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Thread: sustenon by upjohn?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    sustenon by upjohn?

    anyone know anything about this? legit or not?

  2. #2
    Mugs Guest

    have not heard that yet.

    I am doing much research and have not heard anything about UPJOHN making sust. As far as I know there is not any medical use for sustanon other than by bodybuilders. If anyone has any comments about this I'd like to hear them.... Thanks

  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    Crap - Upjohn doesnt make sus - in fact Upjohn doesnt make anything - they were bought by Pharmacia and became Pharmacia-Upjohn then they merged again and dropped the name Upjohn and are now just Pharmacia - so the company kinda dissappeared as far as I can tell - the only product Pharmacia makes relatively close to that would be genotropin

    sorry bud

    (Hey MUGS - what's with all this research!? I mean 2 posts for a SUPER MOD, I would LOVE to hear what you're spending your time on! LOL just kidding with ya bro)

  4. #4
    Mugs Guest


    No kidding... what the hell good am I anway?!!! 2 post... hell I should change my tittle to "Wannabeamod" !! You'll find out soon big MIKE! Thanks for the humor and the info. FYI... Pharmacia bought Ciba also. I am trying to get MSDS's (saftey data sheets) on many different steroids and MOST american companies have sold out and are immpossible to get good scientific info on. Organon SUCKS for getting info! They won't tell you shit about their stuff. They act like it's frigg'n top secret. Anyway, I'll go hide away and NOT ANSWER posts again! I'll make myself available again soon! Thanks to all our cool board members. This has to be the best group I've ever seen on a board. No bull shit from anyone???? Go figure that one!! Keep up the good work to all and keep asking questions.


  5. #5
    Mike Guest

    Hey brother - you don't need to explain MSDSs to me - I actually work for the larghest pharmaceutical company in the world (I am sure you know who that is but for those that don't I dont wanna post it LOL) - MSDSs are a matter of public information by the way - I am sure you know that - but if you have trouble getting anything let me know I may be able to help - I do medical information here. keep up the good work brother - can't wait till I get to see your 4th post! LOL

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