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Thread: What steroids

  1. #1

    What steroids

    Hey guys new to this site just needed bit if knowledge really I was on a cycle about a year ago now they worked really well bulked up real quick but can't remember what they were called they were in a chineese box 25mg White little pills please help???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    First off there is no way to tell what you were taking with what little info you provided.

    Second off did you do any research before taking that. I mean from the sounds of it you had no clue what you were taking and just took it.

    Do you remember doses or anything?

    You seem very uneducated on how to properly use AAS so why dont we start with helping you on that.

    What are your stats:
    Training Experience
    Cycle Experience

  3. #3
    Thanks for help and advise mate, I made big mistake I was first timer got given them by friend, it was 50mg a day
    I'm 21 6 foot 1 13.6 stone not sure about fat at this moment, been training for the last to years but only time I got real results was whilst taking unknown Pills, thanks for help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    spend more time in the gym. a year of serious training is no real experience at all. use the test and GH you have flowing in your body to your advantange. eat, train properly, and get enough recovery. drugs aren't the answer just yet.

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