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Thread: a guy at my gym is 14 years old and determined to do gear.

  1. #1

    a guy at my gym is 14 years old and determined to do gear.

    And he has no idea what's hes doing. hes been asking me for gear and advice.

    Can i just sell him fake stuff for dirt cheap to buy time? if i don't other juicers of my gym will happily sell him strong things.

    He wants to do dbol+winstrol. "to become buff and cut"

    he's about 175 lbs 5'7 13% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Slap some sense into him (literally)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    And he has no idea what's hes doing. hes been asking me for gear and advice.

    Can i just sell him fake stuff for dirt cheap to buy time? if i don't other juicers of my gym will happily sell him strong things.

    He wants to do dbol+winstrol. "to become buff and cut"

    he's about 175 lbs 5'7 13% bf
    Give him these

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    forget him, its not ur problem.
    the fact that someone that age is approaching u may tell u something...

    cant save the world mate....

  5. #5
    That's ridiculous. Don't sell him anything and stop talking to him. Why does he know you can hook him up? What have you said to this kid?

  6. #6
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    for some reason this just doesnt sound right to me....14 and 175? thats a big kid.

  7. #7
    number twelve's Avatar
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    yeah when i was 14 i was about 120! lol

  8. #8
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    Why do you even associate with 14 year olds??

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    Why do you even associate with 14 year olds??
    My thoughts exactly.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Nuzzi View Post
    for some reason this just doesnt sound right to me....14 and 175? thats a big kid.
    I'm not surprise at all. I know this family with a girl who is 13, 6'3" and around that much if not more.

  11. #11
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    dam....thats nuts. but imo i would tell the kid to buzz off unless he has some actual questions about working out, and i would hope anyone else there will do the same. where are his parents? maybe let the management know and give him a scare or somethin.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    Why do you even associate with 14 year olds??
    Cuz im not the kind of guy that snob younger/smaller people when i get approchaed and engaged in conversation at the gym.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    Cuz im not the kind of guy that snob younger/smaller people when i get approchaed and engaged in conversation at the gym.
    I get it man your a nice guy... some people have younger brothers people :P

    As far as your question goes, Id give him all the correct advise you can about why he needs to stay away and dont get involved past that. You gotta figure there may be legal ramifications if someones parents get involved God forbid something bad happens to this kid...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    Cuz im not the kind of guy that snob younger/smaller people when i get approchaed and engaged in conversation at the gym.
    Dude, are you a pedophile? Because kids don't normally just shoot the shit with guys twice their age...

    And you'd have to be out of your ****ing mind to so much as discuss AAS with a kid, let alone hook him up with something (even a placebo). His parents WILL find it, the kid will give you up in a second, and guess who they'll call the cops on?
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 06-30-2011 at 01:08 PM.

  15. #15
    They grow up young these days what with the interwebz and all.

  16. #16
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    you sell him anything fake or not and people find out. cause im sure a 14 year old will keep it quiet. You goto jail

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you sell him anything fake or not and people find out. cause im sure a 14 year old will keep it quiet. You goto jail
    Exactly. Even if it is fake, the fact that he tried to pass it off as an illegal substance still makes it every bit illegal as dealing real drugs. There have been cases like this where crooked street dealers recieved full sentences for selling straight powdered soap or something to an undercover cop.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Dude, are you a pedophile? Because kids don't normally just shoot the shit with guys twice their age...
    Ironic, are you the 14 year old from the gym? Grow up.

    OP. Don't feel the need to be overally nice about it. He's WAAAAYYY too young, and unless you find a legit way to scare him he will find some dbol pills and eat them, believe me on that. I'd try to over exaggerate the downsides of gear and maybe even act like you are getting off (assuming he knows your on) because the sides are so bad. If you don't install some fear, he WILL find something and he will take it.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    yeah when i was 14 i was about 120! lol

  20. #20
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    oh man..... this kid shouldn't even know you use anything. He's probaly going to school telling all his friends how he's got a hook up for steroids. Or how he's good friends with this huge guy at his gym...... not good at all.

    I'd tell the kid steroids aren't the answer and he needs to put some hard work in and learn how to diet properly. Tell him steroids are illegal and not worth the risk of gtting caught. Who the fvck cares if he thinks you're a lame ass.....


  21. #21
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    Tell him the truth, tell him how it will "damage his endocrine permanently and turn him into a lifelong pusssssy"

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boltfan909 View Post
    Ironic, are you the 14 year old from the gym? Grow up.
    OP. Don't feel the need to be overally nice about it. He's WAAAAYYY too young, and unless you find a legit way to scare him he will find some dbol pills and eat them, believe me on that. I'd try to over exaggerate the downsides of gear and maybe even act like you are getting off (assuming he knows your on) because the sides are so bad. If you don't install some fear, he WILL find something and he will take it.
    That's not irony.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    That's not irony.
    It is. You pointing your finger at him criticizing him about the age group his "talks to" when in fact you are 14 your self. Or at least are acting it..

  24. #24
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    It would be irony if I were, in fact, a pedophile. But you're an idiot, so I don't know why I'm even trying to educate you.

  25. #25
    lol.. Someones an idiot.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boltfan909 View Post
    lol.. Someones an idiot.
    Right, so you come in here making nonsensical accusations and don't understand irony in this context...and I'm the idiot. OK...

    Why the hell would I need to be 14 to think that its weird for a grown man to be chatting with 14 year old boys at the gym? Do you engage in this sort of behavior as well? What good could possibly come from it?

  27. #27
    Keep the acquisitions coming.

    lol just shut the fuk up, you've ruined the dudes thread already.
    Last edited by Boltfan909; 06-30-2011 at 03:21 PM.

  28. #28
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    Just tell him that its not safe or morally right for you to sell him anything. It shouldnt be that hard to convince him they are bad for him unless you have already talked him up on how great they are.

    A kid that age is easily swayed. I remember at 14 we had a guy on my football team that was huge at 17 and obviously on AAS. He had been since 14. The way he looked made me want to use AAS and me and another teammate asked him where to get it. He sold us dbol. I ended up wussing out after looking up what problems it could cause. My buddy didnt and did what he was told. Took one little pink pill a day for 30 days. I didnt know for a few years how badly he had been shafted and took 5 mg of dbol a day for 30 days and spent somewhere in the range of what a full test cycle costs.

    I just know doing a little bit of research changed my mind so coming from a guy twice his age i really think it could help

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Right, so you come in here making nonsensical accusations and don't understand irony in this context...and I'm the idiot. OK...

    Why the hell would I need to be 14 to think that its weird for a grown man to be chatting with 14 year old boys at the gym? Do you engage in this sort of behavior as well? What good could possibly come from it?
    Exactly what i was thinking

  30. #30
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    I do, of course I have a 13 year old son so that probably has something to do with it :P
    He's looking up to Su like a role model he wants to be like when he grows up. I talk to anyone who talks to me, not because I want to flick their peckers but because if I feel I may be able to guide them on the right path.

  31. #31
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    To me this seems kind of sad when an 'elder' would refuse help to someone younger that may still have a chance to learn something. I understand the liability aspect of the scenario, but you never do know, this could be the next great athlete or bodybuilder you have the chance to guide.

    My advice would be to lie. Lie egregiously. But wrap it in truth. To tell this kid his dick will fall off and he'll get leprosy in both biceps is not going to work. Instead explain that yes, while drugs ARE cool, you've seen one guy get AIDS from a bad needle, another get ED from too much test, and explain in detail exactly what ED is worth when 'high school' actually kicks in. Another friend you had got huge off drugs, but then he came off, lost ALL gains and got fat. Severe gyno is NOT a danger, it is mandatory. Forget about how much surgery would cost to fix it, he wont care. Explain how awesome his moobs will look in gym class to all his buds.

    In reality though, unless you are a skilled BS'er, they're always going to do what they want to in the end. For someone that young to be doing this it'll hopefully go one of two ways, they'll become the next great superstar, or they'll make themselves impotent and bless the world with their inability to pass on their keen intellect through procreation.

  32. #32
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    what kind of gym is this that allows 14 year old, i think most would allow 16 if accompanied by parent.

  33. #33
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    Heres a simple answer you should give him "NO".

  34. #34
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    In the Gym, if i could
    just tell him it will make his penis smaller..

    game over..
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  35. #35
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    just give him some and see how big he gets lmao itll be funny to see crazily ripped 14 year old !!! im jsut kiddng lol

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by butters4u View Post
    what kind of gym is this that allows 14 year old, i think most would allow 16 if accompanied by parent.
    i was actually thinking the same thing.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by butters4u View Post
    what kind of gym is this that allows 14 year old, i think most would allow 16 if accompanied by parent.
    whats funny is that i was at a gym in san antonio and some dad brought his child in and he couldnt have been over 11 and put him on the leg press machine and let him lift while he went running. i did stop that right away though went and got an employee took him to the day care center. Its amazing to me but what can you do.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    just tell him it will make his penis smaller..

    game over..
    Perfect, let someone overhear the word penis during your conversation with a 14 year old...
    Last edited by ACE5HIGH; 07-01-2011 at 09:32 AM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    And he has no idea what's hes doing. hes been asking me for gear and advice.

    Can i just sell him fake stuff for dirt cheap to buy time? if i don't other juicers of my gym will happily sell him strong things.

    He wants to do dbol+winstrol. "to become buff and cut"

    he's about 175 lbs 5'7 13% bf
    If I caught you selling crap to my kid, fake or not, I'd stomp the living shit out of you... what the fuk is wrong with you? Are you a fukken moron or something?

  40. #40
    yeah cuz it would be so much better just to say "sorry brah. not giving u anything" then see this 20 years old roided up douchebag come at him "sup brah, still wanna do a dbol cycle?"

    Im actually trying to save this lil guy. GTFO.

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