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Thread: Winny D on its own at end of cycle (bridge)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Winny D on its own at end of cycle (bridge)

    I know this cycle wasn't the best planned and executed, mainly due to cashflow problems so please don't flame me - I've already planned my next cycle and I am saving up to buy everything I need all at once.

    This is how my cycle worked out . . . .

    1-5 30mg DBOL ED
    1-10 400mg DECA
    5-10 500mg SUST

    Took my last two injections on Tues.

    Anyway I bought 9 amps of Winny D last night (3 amps per box, each amp 50mg) and took one last night. I plan to take one EOD for the next two weeks. I also plan to start taking my HCG tonight, and the last two during the next two weeks (total of 3 shots, 1500iu per shot). Then I'll hit the Clomid.

    Any thoughts or comments about taking Winny on it's own while waiting for the Deca to run it's course?

    IMO this cycle has been a complete success. I've put on about 24lbs and very little fat and water retention (due to a clean diet I guess).
    Last edited by FedSki; 03-21-2003 at 03:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    winny for 2 weeks is a waste save it for your other cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by Magicz
    winny for 2 weeks is a waste save it for your other cycle.
    No benefit at all? Won't it harden me up a little and help me keep my gains?

    I've got 18 days worth all together (eod). Should I use all 9 amps then take the clomid?

    Should I get some more gear?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    You won't get much results from winny for 2 weeks EOD but I'd still shoot it since it helps reduce the 3 week gap while waiting for sust/deca to clear before starting clomid.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by nj_
    You won't get much results from winny for 2 weeks EOD but I'd still shoot it since it helps reduce the 3 week gap while waiting for sust/deca to clear before starting clomid.
    Was hoping someone was going to say that. I was going to run dbol as a bridge until I started clomid but i decided against dbol as i don't want to put on anymore weight (especially additional water).


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Actually, I have gotten fairly nice results from 9 days straight of winny post cycle. I needed to harden up and get a little vascular somewhat unexpectedly, and it worked fairly well. With a clean diet, I was able to keep the vascularity for about 2 months until I started my next cycle. So, I don't think it is completely worthless. What I do think is worthless is taking 3 shots of hcg @ 1500iu each. I know from experience that you do not have enough hcg. I came off of a 500mg/week Sus cycle where I too gained 24lbs., and I took about the same amount of hcg. Lost all of my gains. You need to take about 12,500iu or 15,000 iu total, and I would take it as follows:
    1st shot of hcg (2 to 2.5 weeks after your last Sus shot) @ 5000iu.
    2nd shot of hcg (5000iu) 6 days after first shot of hcg.
    3rd shot of hcg (2500iu, or 5000iu) 6 days after 2nd shot of hcg.

    Take your anti-es for at least a week after your last hcg shot. I know this works to get you back to your natural levels, and I keep almost all if not all of my cycle gains with this program.

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