I know this cycle wasn't the best planned and executed, mainly due to cashflow problems so please don't flame me - I've already planned my next cycle and I am saving up to buy everything I need all at once.
This is how my cycle worked out . . . .
1-5 30mg DBOL ED
1-10 400mg DECA
5-10 500mg SUST
Took my last two injections on Tues.
Anyway I bought 9 amps of Winny D last night (3 amps per box, each amp 50mg) and took one last night. I plan to take one EOD for the next two weeks. I also plan to start taking my HCG tonight, and the last two during the next two weeks (total of 3 shots, 1500iu per shot). Then I'll hit the Clomid.
Any thoughts or comments about taking Winny on it's own while waiting for the Deca to run it's course?
IMO this cycle has been a complete success. I've put on about 24lbs and very little fat and water retention (due to a clean diet I guess).