Alright this is my first post so please excuse any useless info or if I'm not as "straight forward" as I should be ahah.

I'm 24, 5'9, and around 200 pounds with about 12 percent bf.
I've done a few cycles, but nothing big.
I've done 2 x 10 week cycles of test enth @ 500 mgs/week
Recently started a "TNT" cycle which is a 250 mg/ml test enth and 150 mg/ml tren enth blend from medistar. I'm doing 2ml per week for 10 weeks.

My goals for this cycle are to add/maintain muslce tissue while cutting bodyfat into single digets. I was also taking ECA to help with this process.

First inject went very smoothly (into left thigh) and I was quite happy and began cutting with eca and waiting for my test/tren mix to really kick in (around 2 weeks is what I've heard)
After my second injection is when the problem happened.

I wasn't sore at all in my left thigh anymore so I didn't see the need to rotate, so I shot the same spot again. The next day it was sore (normal) but then when I woke up the day after that It was quite a bit more sore, and as the day went on it got worse.

Its been 4 (almost 5) days since my injection and I haven't been able to "walk" for 3 days now, just hobble around like a peg leg ahah.

Basically it just looks like a giant hematoma (goosebump) on my left thigh. It is very warm, swollen, and VERY painful. There is absolutely NO color change though and the skin looks exactly the same, so it doesn't look like an infection. Its very hard to the touch and the pain is about a 3 inch radius around the injection.

I'm quite worried about this because I'm not sure if its an abcess, hematoma, or something else.
I have no idea what an abscess looks like but from what I've read, if it was an abscess it would be a sterile one because it is very hard to the touch and doesn't feel like liquid at all, also there is no redness so I don't think there's infection.

Could it be a hematoma? Like I hit a vein and because I'm on ECA it didn't close and there's blood leakage? Wouldn't there be redness then??

Also, could I have hit a nerve? The injection didn't feel different (or atleast I don't remember) but if I hit a nerve would this happen??

Any answers would be greatly appreciated thanks.

Also, I've been icing/heating it as often as I can. I live with my parents/brother (very against AAS use) and they think its a hematoma from a charlie horse. So if I could avoid the doctors I'd love to, but if its necessary of course I will go.