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Thread: ADVICE NEEDED: Testosterone Cypionate vials different volumes/ coloured solution

  1. #1

    ADVICE NEEDED: Testosterone Cypionate vials different volumes/ coloured solution

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    I recently bought 2 10ml vials of Test Cyp 300 from a new supplier, and I am a bit weary because the solutions in the vials are different colours- one is noticably lighter than the other. see photos for details.

    Also, in the vial with the lighter solution, there is noticably less solution than the other. One more minor thing, on one cap it says 'flip off' and the other is just blank. I'm just a bit weary because it's a new supplier, do people think they are gtg or a bit dodgy? Thanks,

    Last edited by shane4lt; 07-02-2011 at 08:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if they have he same lot number i would be leary, if however they are different the color difference can be oil related. not sure what u got there.
    its also possible the lighter one could be prop.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    edit out the lab name. its against the rules.

    its a ugl. so why are us suprised the flip tops are different or they arent perfect level amounts.

    lot numbers are a joke. Its an ugl its what ever numbers the guy put on his labels. Its not a real pharm where they are tracking lot numbers and documenting stuff. They do it to make the product look good.

    I am in no way saying if that brand is good or not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    They look real sketchy to me considering that they are supposed to be the same compound.

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