11% BF
Training 3 years seriously
First cycle was 300mg Test E for 8 weeks, keep 12lbs after PCT.
Im planning my next cycle and was planning to run 500mg Test E 12/wks and 200mg Deca 10/wks. I am gyno prone have had a little gyno since I took and PH when I was a teen, I didnt know any better oh well its not very noticable. I took aromasin during my first cycle and had no problems with gyno. I did still get some bloat though can anyone explain why? My question in now that im introducing deca will I need to run caber or will the aromasin be enough to stop estro from increasing prolactin?
My PCT will be the same as before:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
because I am doing a longer cycle this time I plan on using HCG. What is the proper dosage and when do you start? Thanks for help!