What's the difference if I take arimidex twice a week for 9 weeks with a total of 500ui a week and a 1mg tab a day for 9 weeks?
What's the difference if I take arimidex twice a week for 9 weeks with a total of 500ui a week and a 1mg tab a day for 9 weeks?
can you lay out your question a little better. 500iu of what.
1mg of a-dex a day is a ton.
do you know what arimidex is? what are you taking that you need arimidex?
This is the cycle that I plan on taking:
Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (2 injections of 250mg, Sunday Morning Wednesday night)
Weeks 1-4: 30mg of Dbol per day (split in two doses, one pre workout, one 12 hours later)
Weeks 1-12: .5mg of Anastrozole Every other Day (EOD)
Weeks 4-12: 500iu's of HCG per week (2 injections of 250iu's, same days as test, but not in the same syringe)
Week 1&2: 40mg Tamoxifen (nolva) per day
Week 3&4: 20mg Tamoxifen (nolva) per day
Last edited by kanamesan; 07-03-2011 at 11:08 PM.
The problem is that I can't find arimidex in iu. I can only find it in tab form
If you have 1mg tablets, cut them into 4's and take one (.25mg) every other day- problem solved.
My bad, I posted the wrong thing. I can't find hcg at all... and I can't ask where to find it either
I'm lost...
Adex is measured in mg (the metric unit of mass).
We only measure HCG in IUs (the international unit of biological effect)
But iu's can be converted to an mg concentration. Sorry I confused myself too, I'm running on 20 hours of sleep this week cuz I've been studying a lot for these summer courses tests. But no my real inquiry is where to find hcg for I cannot find it on any of my sites. I have everything but that
Do I really need the hcg for this cycle though? Because I cannot find hcg should I find a different one? Can you recommend anything to replace it please
Then can someone recommend something to replace that then? It would be a great help
i wouldnt not run a cycle cause i couldnt get hcg. I rarely ever used it
Is there something I could use instead?
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