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Thread: Need help with first cycle.

  1. #1

    Need help with first cycle.

    I've never ran a cycle before, I don't plan on using regularly at this point, I will save that for years later, I'm 19 right now and I understand that's a young age to start using steroids but at this point I only want to run one cycle and then go back to natty for probably a year or so before running another cycle. I have nutrition and all of that down and I'm not new to lifting, but I really don't know anything about running a cycle, what would be a good steroid for a first cycle, what should I be taking for pct and is there anything else I should know? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Im in pretty much the same boat as you, but im a bit older.

    IVe done some research and heres what i have planned:

    8 week cycle of test E. Injections will be 3.5 days apart. 250mg each injection for 500mg per week. I will start my PCT 14 days after the last injection.

    Days 1-30 .25mg L-dex + 100mg clomid + 20mg nolva

    hopefully we can get some feedback from some experienced users.

    best of luck.

  3. #3
    Thanks, you too.

    I'm looking more for oral steroids than injections, but if injections are by far the best way to go I would be willing but I would prefer pills just for convenience/ not having to try to inject myself lol.
    I honestly haven't researched it much, that's why I came here to ask people who know about it, because I've found conflicting information on stuff all over different websites so I just want to see what the general opinion of people who know about them is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Just do test only cycle at first and worry about orals later. I would suggest for you to wait until your like 24 years old , because you are not ready to cycle. Now that your 19 you have plenty time to research about different cycles , compounds, pct and getting

    more knowledge about diet and training.
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 07-03-2011 at 04:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Wow both of you shouldn't be giving advise. Legacy your cycle idea is horrible and Purple he has stated his age, and you've been here over a year - you should know by now not to tell anyone under 25 to be using AAS or tell him what kind of beginner cycle to take =/.

    It is against board rules to advise those under the age of 25 to use any kind of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids.

    James, steroids are drugs. Out of every 10 people that run "only one cycle", 9 of those people can't run any more cycles because they have permanently damaged their body. When was the last time you heard of someone saying : Oh I'm only going to do X heavy duty recreational drug then maybe once again in a few years.

    You are nowhere near ready to be using steroids - you need to strictly focus on your dieting and training. Shutting down your endocrine system this early can cause permanent damage to your body for the rest of your life. You need to learn how to eat properly and train properly. Save your money for chicken at Costco.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Sorry Windex , didn't knew that. Won't do it again. Basicly rest of message is more important , wait until right age , meanwhile train naturally.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Wow both of you shouldn't be giving advise. Legacy your cycle idea is horrible and Purple he has stated his age, and you've been here over a year - you should know by now not to tell anyone under 25 to be using AAS or tell him what kind of beginner cycle to take =/.

    It is against board rules to advise those under the age of 25 to use any kind of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids.

    James, steroids are drugs. Out of every 10 people that run "only one cycle", 9 of those people can't run any more cycles because they have permanently damaged their body. When was the last time you heard of someone saying : Oh I'm only going to do X heavy duty recreational drug then maybe once again in a few years.

    You are nowhere near ready to be using steroids - you need to strictly focus on your dieting and training. Shutting down your endocrine system this early can cause permanent damage to your body for the rest of your life. You need to learn how to eat properly and train properly. Save your money for chicken at Costco.
    How would it permanently damage my body? I'm not trying to argue at all, I'm trying to educate myself on it, and I've actually done drugs in the past and was able to quit, I've been sober for 17 months now. I know a lot about nutrition and training, I just have zero knowledge about steroids at this point which is why I came here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Most people , who have started doing roids really early , have pretty serious side effects in the long term. It is better that you wait , before you screw up your life.

    I would really suggest you to read educational threads about young and steroids and other theard ( if your under 24 ish )
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 07-03-2011 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by jamess1212 View Post
    How would it permanently damage my body? I'm not trying to argue at all, I'm trying to educate myself on it, and I've actually done drugs in the past and was able to quit, I've been sober for 17 months now. I know a lot about nutrition and training, I just have zero knowledge about steroids at this point which is why I came here
    There is A LOT of educational material available for newbies to be reading, please take advantage of these threads first before asking questions that 10 min of reading could have already answered for you. Not trying to be mean guys but thats why these posts are usually marked "Read This First" or "AAS info for Beginners" etc, you get the point...

  10. #10
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    please think about your future, and not looking good for this summer. these people are here to help you, they know what their talking about.
    these are compounds that will mess with your body, and if you dont heed the warning from these people who have taken the time to tell you not to take them yet, do not come back later asking for help since you have been warned. theres a reason why they tell everyone to wait at least to their 25, your body is still growing and your still producing adequate amounts of testosterone, dont mess with your body... just yet. wait!

  11. #11
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by jamess1212 View Post
    How would it permanently damage my body? I'm not trying to argue at all, I'm trying to educate myself on it, and I've actually done drugs in the past and was able to quit, I've been sober for 17 months now. I know a lot about nutrition and training, I just have zero knowledge about steroids at this point which is why I came here
    Hi James,
    If you don't mind I'd like to try and answer your question. The issue with aas useage for our youthful members has nothing to do with their emotional or physical maturity. The issue is with the development of one's HPTA/Endocrine systems (hormonal systems). These systems continue to develop and mature until somewhere around a males mid twenties, so we just call it 25. When aas is introduced while the HPTA system is still developing, the first thing that happens is that your normal testosterone production will shut down. But your system NEEDS to produce testosterone on it's own to finish maturing. Absent your body producing natural test on it's own, there is a high likelihood your endocrine system will not finish development.
    Of course, i"m generalizing here, and everybody is different. But it is true that by taking aas too soon you may run into a whole host of health issues sooner or later.
    You need to allow your body to finish developing on it's own, naturally, without the aas.

    It's a shame that some youngsters will disregard our advice and take aas anyways. True, there is nothing we can do to stop them. the sad part is when they come back maybe a year later, looking for advice, since they now have ED, or low libido (no interest in having sex with their woman). If you come to the board regularly, you will see posts like this a couple times a week. Kid admits he took aas too young, and now what can he do about it?

    I hope this helps, and good luck to you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by jamess1212 View Post
    I've never ran a cycle before, I don't plan on using regularly at this point, I will save that for years later, I'm 19 right now and I understand that's a young age to start using steroids but at this point I only want to run one cycle and then go back to natty for probably a year or so before running another cycle. I have nutrition and all of that down and I'm not new to lifting, but I really don't know anything about running a cycle, what would be a good steroid for a first cycle, what should I be taking for pct and is there anything else I should know? Thanks.
    what are your stats beside you age. Height, weight, bf%

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