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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #1

    What would you do?

    As this is my first post I would like to start off by saying thanks to the people who set up and maintain this forum as well as all the vets who try so hard to help newcomers with their cycles. Althought this is my first actual post i have been visiting all areas of this site over the past few months and found the info to be unbeleivablet helpfull.

    For stats I am 32yrs old, 6 feet tall, 212lbs and about 15%bf. I have done one cycle a few years ago of sust250 and loved it. of the last 10 yrs i have probably lifted for 5 and have been going steady for almost a year now. Currently I am 6 weeks into a beginer cycle of t-400/400mg a week and eq 200mg a week.

    I have in available to me 10ml of test e 275 and 10ml of eq 200 (i tried for 20ml of t400 in the beginning but had to settle for a test e and a t400). I also have available 20ml of sustaplus 350, 20 ml of tri tren 150 (50mg of each ester), 100 50mg winnie pills and 100 10mg dbol pills. Of course I also have all nescessary pct/anti e such as nolva, arima and clomid.

    Now comes the question..............I am really having a hard time deciding on how to finish the current cycle and plan for the next. I only have enough t4/eq to get to 8 wks and would really like to extend the cycle to 12 if its advisable. I really feel like its starting to kick in hard and seems like a waste to stop at 8. So far I have gained 10 lbs on the scale and easily lost over 5lbs of fat, gains have been good and fairly dense with no probs regarding excessive water retention and bloating. Would it be a good idea to go with test e at 550mg/wk and continue the eq at either 200 or bump to 400/wk and run these for 4 wks bringin the cycle total to 12? Also wondering if its a good idea to add 50mg/day winnie for the 4 week extension or just save it for the future sust tren cycle?

    The next question is how to run the future cycle. Would you guys run 350 sust 150 tren a week and get two cycles out of the gear I have available or just go for it with 700 sust and 300 tren? The biggest thing to me is obviousley my health and future well being. I dont want to be stupid and do something I might regret down the road. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies/helps me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Good thing your health is your biggest concern because you have a lot of learning to do. What you have is a mess at best.

    Do you have a PCT planned? if not please go to the PCT forum and start reading, learning and see what you think you will need before asking what you need. Show some initiative in learning.

    You should have plenty of time to continue reading before your next cycle to figure out how to straighten up the mess you have and what you really need to use, what you need not to use and put away until later and figure out your diet.

    Time between cycles is Time on = time off meaning a 12 week cycle = 2 weeks until PCT, typical 4 week PCT = 18 weeks or more between cycle. That's 18 weeks AFTER the end of the PCT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Sry but post is too long for me to attempt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well if you have 10ml of each and running 1 ml of each your cycle should last 10 weeks not 8.
    Also the eq is a waste. I wouldnt worry about continuing it. Eq barely does anything anyway and you ran such a low dose its probably in effective and eq if used should be run for 16 weeks. Its garbage IMO.

    If you really only have 8 weeks of test 400 use some of the test e you have to extend it to 12 weeks like you want

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies and help. The reason I only have 8 weeks is because a friend bought and tried the t400 but experienced the severe injection pain everyone on here talks about and decided it wasn't worth it for him so he gave it to me. I will make sure to take 18 weeks off and yes that should give plenty of time for planning the next one, thx for the advice. Also a PCT plan is in place and as mentioned all goodies are on hand and ready. I have looked at the diet section quite a bit and beleive my diet is in check and was planned prior to cycle.

    Should I use the test E at 500/week?

    Also gonna assume I should leave the winny for next time?

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