what are all the things u need to ask for when u go to check ur blood tests.
and is there anyway of getting accutane without doing a blood test.?
what are all the things u need to ask for when u go to check ur blood tests.
and is there anyway of getting accutane without doing a blood test.?
buy it underground lol
yes if you get it from a dr you have to have blood work every month.
They will know what to test for, you do not need to ask. They check liver enzymes, cholesterol and i'm not sure what else
Accutaine is so bad for you I would recommend getting it legit, which im not sure is even possible anymore since all the law suits, but getting monthly blood tests are in your best interest seeing as how it's linked with a billion sides. http://www.accutanesideeffects.net/
thx for the info on the side effects. i found a underground source that sells it without blood tests and prescriptions.... 60 tablets each 20mg in 1 box... how many boxes do u reckon i would need and how many months should i run it for??
I think it goes by weight, something like half or 1 mg per kg but I'm not 100% on that. but I know its generally around 80 mg/day ( unless ur huge or tiny). Take 40 in the am and 40 in the pm. How u run it is up to you, do t until your acne is gone but u cant run it for more then 5 months.
80mg is heaps i was told 20mg to start with then slowly build it up to 40mg or 60mg tops....
depends what you are trying to do. If you are trying to shut the glands down permanently you need to run the higher doses for a long period of time.
If you just want to stay clear on cycle you can get away with a very low dose. I took 20mg every 3 days and it clears me right up
i thought the pimples get worser b4 they get better tho??
I know 3 people taking prescribed accutane here in Canada. Two were using a 50mg/day for 5 months and one guy was using 40mg/day for 5 months. Of the three people only one needed to use accutane a second time again to no avail for her. Her skin is so bad she has been reffered to an endocrinologist now though. Both guys were 170-185lbs. The woman is only about 140lbs and she was prescribed 50mg whereas the lighter of the two guys was prescribed a dose of 40mg. I take from that, that the severity of the acne also influences the dosage. Seems as though these protocols might be a decent place to begin your research.
Last edited by TheClinch; 07-07-2011 at 11:08 PM.
I've ran an aggressive cycle while on accutane....
The blood tests are mandatory. It is a bullsh*t federally regulated program. Certain values need to be within parameters or they will not continue to prescribe your meds. No, they wont test your testosterone levels etc but one thing that got flagged several times for me was high CPK values (Creatine phosphokinase). A high value of this CAN BE an indicator that you have cardiovascular stress. However, people who work out a lot (juice or no juice) will have naturally high values of this. To get around this, my doc would just have me not work out for like 4 days before a blood test as the CPK levels are highest during recovery/rebuilding.... It was really annoying but necessary.
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