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Thread: Carbs or No carbs? what am i missing? 1st cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Carbs or No carbs? what am i missing? 1st cycle

    Hi guys,

    im in my 3rd week on my 1st 12week cycle and not really seeing or feeling any result.
    i know i dont eat much carbs coz my trainer tells me not to but when i speak to other people they tell me to eat everything... and i do find really tried after a workout

    Is it my diet? or is it my work out?
    or am i just worrying too much, its still early.

    im on:
    sus 250 Mondays
    tren and prop on Wednesday and Fridays .

    workout and diet:
    this is much what i eat most of the times. (4 weight days 3 cardio days)

    7-7.30am: 6 egg whites + 1 yolk and mushrooms and multivitamins and fishoil 2caps
    8.30-9.30am: workout with amino then protein shake(2scoops) then 2-300g tuna or chicken with salad or 1/4 cup brice
    12noon: 250-300 beef or chicken then some fruit.
    3pm: 200 - 300g of chicken or tuna salad with a protein shake (1 or 2 scoop).
    6pm: 300g beef or chicken with lots of steamed veggies.
    9.30pm protein shake 1scoop of casein fish oil 2caps

    mixed fruits and nuts all day but not much as i find my self going to the toilet lol!

    i workout 7 days a week
    mon,tue,thu and fridays weights and wed, sat and sun cardio

    my cardio:
    5k run with in 30min, 2k row on level 10 and 1k cross trainer all up about 45mins to 1hr

    worked out over 2 year
    84kgs when started, now 86kgs

    Thanks for any input,

    Last edited by ohayoo22; 07-05-2011 at 04:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    What are you workouts like? How long? how many reps/sets?

    Cycle looks pretty messed up also
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-05-2011 at 03:47 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    sus 250 Mondays
    tren and prop on Wednesday and Fridays .


    tren ace? 2 times a week only

    and this is your frist cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    well i figured that the tren and prop will give me a harder look to help with the sus250 as it'll hold some water.
    i understand the tren (ace) n prop are short acting so should i do more time per week and less ml's?

    as you know this is my 3rd week on monday i did sus 2.5ml then 2mro and fri will do 1.5ml for tren and prop.
    so all up this week ill be doing 1100mg of test. and i will add novadex for pct and clen if i need it for the end

    yes this is my 1st.

    my workouts runs about 45mins to 1hr
    i do 2/3 exercise per muscle group 3 sets of 10, 2 sets of 5 last set is a drop set. + warmup

    so what about my diet? is that ok?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    if you want to grow, your carb and protein macro ratios should be fairly close. Pretty tough to grow if no carbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    your diet is bascially keto.

    you need carbs. try a simple 40/40/20 ratio.

    say 500 cals above mantainance.

    and drop the prop and tren. its pointless how you are running it plus tren shouldnt be used on your first cycle

    continue with sust only and sust has to be injected way more than once a week

    no offence you shouldnt be cycle you have next to no knowldege on compounds let alone to grow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    if you want to grow, your carb and protein macro ratios should be fairly close. Pretty tough to grow if no carbs.
    ok. when should i have them? and which type of carbs?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    your diet is bascially keto.

    you need carbs. try a simple 40/40/20 ratio.

    say 500 cals above mantainance.

    and drop the prop and tren. its pointless how you are running it plus tren shouldnt be used on your first cycle

    continue with sust only and sust has to be injected way more than once a week

    no offence you shouldnt be cycle you have next to no knowldege on compounds let alone to grow.
    none taken mate! i was just so sick of reading... i just wanted to do it and learn as i go. (it may sound young n silly)
    how should i be running the prop n tren to its optimal for me? they cost alot of money lol! i wouldnt wanna to waste them

    ok, ill add more carbs in my diet

    Thx ohayoo22
    Last edited by ohayoo22; 07-05-2011 at 06:15 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    carbs is fuel for the tank, and taking tren first cycle wow your taking to much stuff with lil knowledge.
    the testp in sus should of kicked in already imo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You wont be wasting the Tren and Prop, put them away in a safe dark cool/not cold place. They will last at least 2 years if not longer. No need for them until you are ready or you might as well trash them because it would honestly be doing the same thing by using them now. I know you want all the answers now but it's best to learn a little not as you go/us but with time or it's overwhelming.

    Agreed the diet need a lot of work. Go visit the diet section and read through some of the post to find examples of what you should be doing. Dont just post asking what to eat, they are a LOT more do your homework oriented than we are here. LOL

    Stick with the sus, run 400mg a week, you need to inject (EOD), every other day so split up the 400 into 3 shots.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011
    ok ill cut the prop n tren. should i stay @ 400mgs for the rest of my cycle?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    400 is a good solid number, yes. Dont skip over the diet advice. It's a lot more important than what most people think. If you dont have your diet right you will loose everything you gain right away and you wont gain nearly as much as you could have.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2011
    thank you for all your help guys.
    ill keep reading... lol


  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You wont be wasting the Tren and Prop, put them away in a safe dark cool/not cold place. They will last at least 2 years if not longer. No need for them until you are ready or you might as well trash them because it would honestly be doing the same thing by using them now. I know you want all the answers now but it's best to learn a little not as you go/us but with time or it's overwhelming.

    Agreed the diet need a lot of work. Go visit the diet section and read through some of the post to find examples of what you should be doing. Dont just post asking what to eat, they are a LOT more do your homework oriented than we are here. LOL

    Stick with the sus, run 400mg a week, you need to inject (EOD), every other day so split up the 400 into 3 shots.
    yep agreed here.

    just inject sus EOD and you will be fine.

    but get your carbs up. cause atm your diet is a good cutting diet. and steroids aren't miracle drugs

    glad you listened mate stick around

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus
    I thought the whole purpose that sus was created for was to allow fewer injections? I read they originally marketed it for monthly injects? Why does he need to inject EOD?

    Sorry if this is a hijack?

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