So i'll just start of with a bit of history
I started training when i was 17, but never really took it seriously, it was more of a hobby trying to gain weight, i didn't care whether it was fat/muscle. I started @ 45kg at 5'6? (i assume 5'6, i didn't measure my hieght back then) and i was an extreme ectomorph, @ the mid of 2006. By 2007 i was say a steady 55kg. After 2007 by training went down hill. I started getting lazy getting preoccupied with girls and dating, and so just went say 2 time a week, sometimes with a month break in between. I started reach up to 60kg by 2009, but was fluctuating a lot.
During the period of training in 2006 (i was in high school) me and my friend decided to try steroids as it was readily available to get for us, so we split, one cycle (yes we split it) and we really had no idea what we were doing, and at the time we didn't care, (young and dumb). My mate did a lot of research, and seemingly got big, where i was fluctuating, i ate like a beast, having slightly anger management, controls, we went on deca for 3 weeks, and decided to stack 1ml i think it was of sus in the 3rd week. and that was it. Everything tapered off after a few weeks, oh well. (No pct either)(and to date im worried if it was screwed with my shoulder plate growth, and lol, it really popped my jaws out)
By 2010 i started getting really committed back into the gym, and decided i wanted a quick boost and jumped on dianabols without much research, and decided to use test boosters from the shop and some multis as a PCT. Gained about 7kg from 100 pills, and sat on about 67kg for a few weeks without a lot of water retention, and slowly dropped back down to 62kg, though still being able to pump strong and retaining a little bit of size. What a waste.
Now 2011, mid year, im 67kg 5'9' and pretty much the biggest ive ever been. Though i still hate my overall body, my abs are only just visible when i flex, mostly the top four, the rest hiding under the fat thats built around my waist, my chest lacks definition and shape at the bottom, and my lats are wide as i want them to be. My arms are fine im pretty happy with them.
For just a sample, to get an idea, my first excerice is say for chest day, dumbell chest press. 35kg each hand no problem 8 reps. get to about 40kg, i'll need a spot to get it up, and push a max 2-3 reps on my own, but can carry out near 8 reps with the spot the whole way guiding me. Jump onto incline and max out on 75kg bar bell, 80kg with a spot. Back day, lat pull ups, do 12, die, 10, die, 8 die, 4 die. I can do 40kg over head tri press. 17.5kg each hand bi hammer, 27.5kg each hand db shoulder press.
Now so my cycle information, i really don't want to gain much size, i just really want definition and my muscles to shape up better. My chest is a good size, just really lacks definition. Alright, so i was thinking of a 10 week test e cycle, 500mg each week, maybe a stack with boldenon. and Nolva or clomid of a PCT.
But ive got a wedding in september and i really want to be able to fit in the suit still, so i thought, because its available, i don't really mind, maybe 1ml, 250mg of test e a week on its own, since it will really be my FIRST proper cycle. And nolva at hand, and just because i read it on this forum, nolva as a PCT? or should i stick with clomid as a PCT.
I really only want to gain, a max 5kg, but i really want to grow a lot of definition, size, and shape. I don't care what the scales, i really only look at how my body looks.
What do you guys rekon? Or should i just wait till after september and go a test e with boldenon deca and hcg+clomid/nolva.
But even then i don't want to get insanely massive, i just wanna tone up and get rip to shreds!.
Heres a kind of progress pic