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Thread: Considering a triple stack, but first time PLEASE HELP!

  1. #1

    Question Considering a triple stack, but first time PLEASE HELP!

    I have been training for 8 months now 4-5 times a week.

    Weight: 68kgs about 8-9% body fat I think?
    Height 5,10

    A few mates have had triple stacks lately and have put on about 7-8kgs in 4 weeks all on there first course.

    I was looking for some info on them pros and cons for someone my age? Also am I too young at the moment to be starting on any sort of steroid?

    Any help is much appreciated guys I am very new to this site but have been reading a fair few articles.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yes many reasons why age is a problem. Do a little reading from other post and it will be obvious. The bottom like it will be your choice but maturity will have a lot to do with your decision. Little tip, maturity means you will wait a little longer.

    More does not mean better. Either it be more mg or more types/stack. It's best to start with 1 only. Test is always the base. It's the same a working on most anything including programing. Make one change at a time and see how it works. Same with aas. Use one and see how it goes. Really it's best. Your buddies may seem like they have good gains. You may get just as good or better using only one and you have a lot less chance of having problems. Also you may and probably will get just as good of gains if you focus on diet instead.

    Best place to start around here is the diet section. Using aas is useless without proper diet.

  3. #3
    Cheers mate, yeah I have been speaking to a few people and have been told I am not eating enough. I will post and have a look around on the diet section to get a good program in order.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yeah bro Lovbts is spot on.You dont want to listen to guys at the gym without checking it out 1st.Many guys have gotten messed up that way.Get your diet dialed in.At your age you dont need aas.You will do fine without them.Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    If your mates have gained 8 kgs in 4 weeks, it is most likely water weight. Most of which will come off post cycle. That is not what you want. Be patient, eat, and train hard. At your age muscle should come very easy if you learn to eat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    If your mates have gained 8 kgs in 4 weeks, it is most likely water weight. Most of which will come off post cycle. That is not what you want. Be patient, eat, and train hard. At your age muscle should come very easy if you learn to eat.

    its almost impossible for your body to put 17lb of muscle on in 4 weeks...mostly water weight

  7. #7
    Cheers again for the help guys never realised how IMPORTANT food is.

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