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Thread: Questions about Dianabol cycle

  1. #1

    Questions about Dianabol cycle

    I am about to start my first cycle. I've done quite a bit of research but I have a few simple questions that I'm hoping someone here can answer.

    I have chosen to use only Dianabol for my first cycle. Please don't criticize this. I know it's non-optimal, but I cannot use injectables at this time due to legal reasons :-\.

    I have a package on the way containing 100 x 5mg Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Tablets, 100 x Tamoxifen 10mg Tablets, 100 x Tamoxifen 20mg tablets, and 10 x 50mg Clomid (Clomifene Citrate) Tablets.

    My plan is to take 15mg Dianabol per day for 30 days.

    Now my questions are:
    • Do I take all 15mg Dianabol at once, spaced out throughout the day, or it doesn't matter?
    • Should I take Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) from the start? (I'm assuming i should)
    • How much Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) should I take to prevent any gyno effects from 15mg Dianabol? I have 10mg and 20mg tablets & I can split them to create proper doses. I'm just not sure what the proper proportion is for dianabol/nolvadex.
    • Can taking too much Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) prevent gains or have some kind of negative effects? (eg. 20mg Nolvadex w/ 15mg Dianabol)
    • How much Clomid should I take after the cycle and for how long? Should I buy more? Is it necessary?
    • What is the major difference between Nolvadex and Clomid? Why does it seem that people take Nolvadex during the cycle and Clomid after?

    Hopefully I'll get some answers. It seems like people on this forum really know their stuff! Thanks in advance for the help!

  2. #2
    What are your stats? Age ? Weight? Height? Past experiences?

  3. #3
    19 years old. 6ft, 130lbs. In good shape. I do cardio regularly and lift 1-2 times a week. I'm really trying to bulk up for school in sept. Going to start lifting 3-5 days a week & eating 2-3x more than usual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You couldnt of done to much research or you wouldve learned that you are to young for aas.Being your endo system at your age is sensative.Not fully developed.And you could have some serious problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You are entirely too young and too inexperienced to even consider d-bol or any other aas. This is the best advice i can give you: 1) Go to our diet section and learn how to eat!
    2) Refer to #1
    This will make you bulk up more than that pathetic proposed cycle. Not trying to sound like a d!ck, just trying to help.
    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Is this is joke?

    You're way young, your cycle plan is terrible, you're tall and skinny as hell, AND you're already in legal trouble?
    Dude, you really neede to sit back and reevaluate your life.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Holy crap bro hold up 6' and only 130lbs you need to learn to eat! Also 15mg is a useless dose that will shut you down and do very little.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    gain 60lbs and 5 or 6 years and try again later

  9. #9
    I recommend swallowing the whole bottle in the first day, to maximise gains. After you swallow the bottle, 20 minutes later you have to do exactly SEVEN reps of 50kg on the BENCH PRESS. Afterwards, diet comes into play, and you need to eat a quarter pounder burger from McDonalds (lots of protein from the meat).

    But seriously
    Being skinny sucks when you're a teenager, but trust me if you're naturally that tall at that age, you will fill out over the next few years and begin to dominate the ladies when it REALLY matters (ie. when sex is on the menu ALWAYS).
    Don't **** your kidneys with DBol on your first uneducated cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBitch View Post
    I recommend swallowing the whole bottle in the first day, to maximise gains. After you swallow the bottle, 20 minutes later you have to do exactly SEVEN reps of 50kg on the BENCH PRESS. Afterwards, diet comes into play, and you need to eat a quarter pounder burger from McDonalds (lots of protein from the meat).

    But seriously
    Being skinny sucks when you're a teenager, but trust me if you're naturally that tall at that age, you will fill out over the next few years and begin to dominate the ladies when it REALLY matters (ie. when sex is on the menu ALWAYS).
    Don't **** your kidneys with DBol on your first uneducated cycle.
    Well it was a good post until that point...

  11. #11
    save the money you would spend on dbol and spend it on FOOD, now for my <3 2 <3, i was always the lil guy during high school and college, I started to educate my self on diet and training, wow! i gained 20lbs that first year and didn't stop growing. Check out the diet and nutrition section of this forum and the members here will help you set up a meal schedule, shoot I will if you want. Shoot me a pm. I'm glad i waited till i was 25 to cycle and no it was an oral only cycle, straight test 250mgs a week.

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