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Thread: No increased sex drive or sides on test e so far.

  1. #1

    No increased sex drive or sides on test e so far.

    hey guys,

    I started my first cycle of Test-E last month. I am running 500mg a week for 12 weeks.

    injections have all been smooth, however I have a few questions.

    Alot of people have said that they are hard all day within the first few weeks of test E, and strength gains come weeks 4-6. I haven't noticed any difference in my libdo so far, and I haven't had any sides yet, or that "feeling good on T" effect yet. I'm 5 weeks into my cycle right now. I've been adding reps to most of my lifts and i'm getting a decent pump, which im hoping means the test is starting to kick in, but still no increased sex drive, water retention, or any sides of gyno..

    When I first started my cycle I was able to bench 315 for 3-4 reps and now i'm able to do 315 for 10 reps. So I know that my gear isn't bunk.

    Is it possible that my gear could be underdosed? or is it possible to have no increased libdo or any side effects with legit gear? I have heard good things about my brand. I know most of the strength gains shouldn't come untill sometime next week or the week after, but shouldn't my libdo be increased by now and make me horny all day? or even get a few side effects?

    I am 6'1 235lbs and 26 years old with around 13% bodyfat. I've been wanting to use gear since I was 20 but i've holded off untill now. I am off work all summer so I am able to get all my meals in. I eat 7-9 meals a day which are mainly chicken, steak, brown rice and veggies with a few protein shakes. I drink 1 gallon of water a day and train 5 days a week.

    thanks in advance guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Are you taking any ai or serms?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I think your gear is fine, everyone gets different side effects. Have you put on any weight?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Are you taking any ai or serms?
    Nope, I have arimidex and nolva on hand incase I get any gyno.

    It might sound a bit funny, but I haven't checked my weight since I started my cycle. I have not used a scale for a while and I only use the mirror to judge. but I have gotten slightly bigger since cycling. I am just curious as to why I haven't had any side effects or any increased libdo yet

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It is possible you have high estrogen but really it's hard to say. Give it another 2 weeks and see where you are at.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus
    Hey mate, just a quick one... I am on a similar cycle to you and didnt feel ANYTHING other than shrunken nuts until the 6th week. Even now whilst I feel general wellbeing and good workouts... it is nothing insane and not getting any increased sex drive. My libido is naturally quite high and if anything the gear has wound it back a bit.

    I would say hang in there, hopefully you will feel something soon. It is possible your gear is under-dosed, but see how you go.

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