Thread: Alcohol + PCT
07-07-2011, 10:51 PM #1
Alcohol + PCT
Hey Guys,
So myself, much like others on this site, have made many sacrifices to cycle (ie. diet changes, lifestyle changes, alcohol consumption. etc...), so here is my question:
If one was to consume alcohol while taking PCT chems (nolva, clomid) what would be the consequences. I would actually like to know if many people have consumed alcohol while on PCT, and what are your experiences. I am not planning on drinking while on cycle or during PCT, just curious if put in a position where I may want to drink a little.
Thanks guys
07-08-2011, 05:55 AM #2
Not an expert, but I'll take a guess. I'm sure nolva and clomid are kinda harsh on the liver (any orals would be) although not as harsh as aas such as dbol and winstrol . Thus, drinking in moderation and infrequently will probably not have a terrible effect on your health. As far as lowering PCT effectiveness, I can't speak about that. But overall, alcohol does hinder gains--however, if you drink responsibly, I think you'll be ok. Arnold drank every now and then, and he looks ok to me.
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