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Thread: first time gyno flare with npp and prop blast ????? taking prami and adex......

  1. #1

    first time gyno flare with npp and prop blast ????? taking prami and adex......


    4th cycle

    delt with npp, winny, masteron, prop, eq and dbol.

    ok so heres the deal.

    doing a 6-8 week blast cycle ending depending when gains slow.

    doing 100mg prop ed
    150 mg npp ed
    1mg prami every night.
    .5mg adex ed

    so vie never had issues with gyno before. i stopped using the prami for about a week and a half because i couldn't sleep at all and the sides were getting to me so i cut back.

    now on week 5 vie started getting burning nips and very sensitive. i started back on prami at 1mg every night and taking ambien to help with sleep.

    nips are getting alittle better but not sure how fast the flare should go away. vie been back on the prami for 4 nights now and i deff see a difference.

    im wondering
    A how long should i wait to see if i should cut cycle short.
    B when i come off and do pct ( nolva and torem ) will i see a flare up and should i keep using the prami into pct.

    fyi by blast i mean priming with diet and then using a high dose of aas until gains slow then coming off. i don't mean cursing then blasting.

    any help would be appreciated. willing to cut cycle short to make sure i have no issues but obviously if i can cure the flare i will.



  2. #2

  3. #3
    any one?
    gyno is deff getting better at 1mg prami a night.

    any thoughts on using it for pct and if there will be flares during pct if not used??

  4. #4
    You may need to cut the NPP short if thats what is causing the problem

  5. #5
    id say its gotten 50% better in a week at 1mg a night. gains are still good swell.

    just wondering if i stop the prami when i go on pct if it will flare like estro gyno.

    maybe ill use it a week into pct.

    side note

    **** as in **** group??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    how is the cycle treating you bro besides the gyno lol

  7. #7
    bro its awesome. honestly i could lower the test with out any loss i think but im just staying the path.

    spent 2 hours in the gym yesterday and feel amazing. i only leave cuz i lose the pump after a while but no strength.

    love npp.

    this will be my last bulk type cycle. im looking forward to using npp at lower dose with winny and a nice clean diet.

    good stuff

    o btw i jump started my cycle with 50 mg of injectable dbol. its tits. no ****ing with my stomach either so diet was strong.

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