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Thread: Oral Dbol cycle

  1. #1

    Oral Dbol cycle

    I have 100 tablets of oral dbol, and plan to take clomid and milk thistle after the cycle. This is my first cycle and I'm going to start off by taking 20-30mg of Dbol ED and after I finish, 20-30mg of clomid ED and milk thistle. Im just letting my body adjust a little and for my second cycle I will run test with it.

    But from the dbol only cycle what results can I expect?

    Also, any helpful information is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Give us some stats, dbol only is a bad idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Do alotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt more research dude, to start off with, as stated b4, post stats... ok so, u NEED to run test (Cypionate,sust, or Test-E) if u wanna see anything more than 15 pounds on an 8 week cycle, also Dbol is one of those things that you need to have a high protein intake if u wanna see results, i myself saw 25 pounds in a 6 week cycle of cypionate 250 twice a week and 60 mg dbol ED. however, make sure that your diet is in strict order. BUT the most important part is preventative med and hormone re-balance, what that means to you is take milk thistle DURING your cycle when you're using a 17aa. furthermore, you also need to do a bit heavier dosing on the clomid

  4. #4
    I'm 20, 6'1, 230lbs, not sure about BF, I'd guess around 18%.
    Been training consistently since I was 14.

    I was just doing oral dbol only because I'm not looking to get monstrous,
    just a little kick for some extra strength and appearance.

  5. #5
    What dosage do you recommend of the Clomid?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    My first question is, if youre at about 18% BF why are u concerned with bulking vice cutting? but to each their own i suppose. as far as the clomid, i always run PCT as such 300mg day 1, day 2-3 200mg, day 4-7 100mg, 8-14 50mg, 14-21 25mg... remember, you need to "kickstart" your hormone levels, i also suggest doing some nolvadex as an anti-estrogen (plus it'll help you retain your gains a bit better) and IMO, if strength and appearance are what youre concerned with i suggest a stack of sustanon and cypionate 250mg each twice a week for 8 weeks. that was my first and my boy who is 20 like you, he saw no adverse reaction and attained great results, consider Dbol for a second cycle as I did (or A-bombs) ..... IMO

  7. #7
    Well If I already have the 100 dbol tabs, Clomid, and milk thistle on hand, how
    do you think I should go about taking it? I was going to do 30-40mg dbol
    ED, with milk thistle, then take Clomid after the cycle. Or
    should I not even waste my time with what I have on hand?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by travman100 View Post
    Well If I already have the 100 dbol tabs, Clomid, and milk thistle on hand, how
    do you think I should go about taking it? I was going to do 30-40mg dbol
    ED, with milk thistle, then take Clomid after the cycle. Or
    should I not even waste my time with what I have on hand?
    dont even waste your time.
    you are worried about apperences. What do you think 18%bf is going to look like with a bunch of extra water weight

  9. #9
    Know myself, using something as serious as dbol I know my diet will be much more strict and I will push myself harder in the gym.

  10. #10
    I was guessing 18%, could be less. Just a guess where I'm kind of just out of high school and played football and basketball for four years which kept me looking better. Now that I'm out of high school I don't run as much on my own.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by travman100 View Post
    Know myself, using something as serious as dbol I know my diet will be much more strict and I will push myself harder in the gym.
    then what happens when you stop?
    d-bol is going to bloat you and your 18%. you are going to look worse. Then dumb one the water weight drops when you get off cycle

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Bad idea...You need to do more research. Not to mention, if you were to push yourself now and get yourself a good diet in order, you'd get better results than using the d-bol.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Forget the Dbol bro.Bad idea you will look worst in the long run.BLOAT at 18%.Hit the diet section learn how to eat.Do some research.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I stick with my original statement as these gentlemen are making clear, however i know that there are some personality types that will go against better judgement and run it anyways due to immaturity or impatience, the only thing that i will say is that if you do decide to run it run 60mg (30 am/ 30 pm) and stack with test-Cyp or E..... once more, THIS WILL BLOAT YOU TO ALL HELL

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