Doing some research on the two compounds, I've heard it suggested that Masteron might take the place of an auxiliary or AI. The big down-side to dBol is the aromatization, thus the bloating and other negative sides. Haven't heard anyone mentioning adding these two compounds together at the same point in the cycle to negate the dBol effects.
Obviously the dBol is still going to armoatize, but the Masteron may stop the E from binding is basically my elementary theory.
Typically masteron is used for cutting and hardening pre comp, and dBol as a kick-start in the beginning of a cycle waiting for the long acting esters to gradually kick into gear. I would propose a theoretical experiment using Masteron at a low dose (50mg EOD) with 20mg dBol from day 1 of a cycle for the reasons mentioned in the first paragraph. What do you think... totally off base, or worth a look?