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Thread: Masteron possibly negate the aromatization effects of dBol?

  1. #1

    Masteron possibly negate the aromatization effects of dBol?

    Doing some research on the two compounds, I've heard it suggested that Masteron might take the place of an auxiliary or AI. The big down-side to dBol is the aromatization, thus the bloating and other negative sides. Haven't heard anyone mentioning adding these two compounds together at the same point in the cycle to negate the dBol effects.

    Obviously the dBol is still going to armoatize, but the Masteron may stop the E from binding is basically my elementary theory.

    Typically masteron is used for cutting and hardening pre comp, and dBol as a kick-start in the beginning of a cycle waiting for the long acting esters to gradually kick into gear. I would propose a theoretical experiment using Masteron at a low dose (50mg EOD) with 20mg dBol from day 1 of a cycle for the reasons mentioned in the first paragraph. What do you think... totally off base, or worth a look?
    Last edited by Dragon666; 07-10-2011 at 01:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    with or w/o test?

    i doubt it would make much of a difference, but worth a shot

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    An AI would work better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Masteron does keep one drier and can combat estrongeic sides. It's not equivalent to an AI, but better than something like provirion IMO, plus actually has anabolic effect lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I digged out this study on 5a reduced steroids and its effect on aromataze. It shows that DHT derivates inhibit aromataze.

    J Endocrinol. 1980 Mar;84(3):409-19.
    Alterations in granulosa cell aromatase activity accompanying preovulatory follicular development in the rat ovary with evidence that 5alpha-reduced C19 steroids inhibit the aromatase reaction in vitro.
    Hillier SG, van den Boogaard AM, Reichert LE Jr, van Hall EV.
    Locally produced androgens and oestrogens are thought to be important factors in the hormonal regulation of follicular development. In the present study the relationship between follicular maturity and granulosa cell aromatase activity has been examined in vitro. Granulosa cells harvested from the largest antral follicles in adult rat ovaries produced negligible amounts of immunoreactive oestradiol when incubated for 3 h in vitro irrespective of the day of the oestrous cycle upon which they were obtained. However, the addition of aromatizable C19 steroid substrate (testosterone, androstenedione or 19-hydroxyandro-stenedione) to the incubation medium resulted in time- and concentration-dependent increases in oestradiol production which were related to the level of follicular maturity attained in vivo. By measuring oestradiol production using testosterone (10(-7) mol/l) as substrate, the aromatase activity of granulosa cells obtained on the first day of vaginal dioestrus was shown to be only a fraction (less than 5%) of that observed for cells obtained on the morning of pro-oestrus. Cells obtained on the second day of dioestrus displayed an intermediate level of activity which remained approximately five times lower than that of granulosa cells at pro-oestrus. These observations, therefore, establish the induction or activation of granulosa cell aromatase activity as a correlate of normal preovulatory follicular development. However, intrafollicular androgen/oestrogen ratios may also be influenced by quantitative and/or qualitative alterations in the C19 steroidal substrate available for the aromatase reaction. Thus, the naturally occurring non-aromatizable 5alpha-reduced androgen metabolites, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone and 5alpha-androstanedione, proved to be potent competitive inhibitors of the granulosa cell aromatase reaction in vitro. In this respect each of these biologically active androgens was more effective than 1-enetestololactone, an established C19 steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Since C19 steroid 5alpha-reductase is known to be an ovarian enzyme, it is suggested that by affecting the androgenic/oestrogenic composition of the hormonal milieu, local alterations in the activity of this enzyme may be an additional determinant of preovulatory follicular development and function.

    PMID: 7190181 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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