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Thread: First Cycle of Injectables

  1. #1

    First Cycle of Injectables

    25y/o male 6'1'' 185 lbs

    I have been doing research off and on now for a year or so. My goal is to put on as much mass as possible and was looking for suggestions on the best gear to get for a first timer to do so. I know that for the most part it probably won't vary too much but I want to get the opinions of others.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    The cycle most people on this forum will suggest is a Testosterone only cycle at 500mg/week. Maybe a Dianabol kick start at 40mg/day for the first 4 weeks. You should consider the test only cycle because if you come across any issues (ie: gyno, severe acne, extreme hairloss, etc) you will know which compound is responsible. For this reason test prop is a good idea because it has quick release rate and if you find issues, which you may encounter, too undesirable then you can stop the cycle and see the test levels drop rapidly. However, some people do not like the frequent injections required by the prop cycle so a longer ester test like Test Enanthate is chosen because as little as once a week injections can be done. This longer ester does mean that it takes longer for the test E to clear your system in the event of a premature cycle stoppage due to undesirable sides.

    Make sure you have a good PCT protocol already in hand before you start your cycle.

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