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Thread: dball and deca

  1. #1
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    dball and deca

    yes so i did the dball deca started june 1 st..i was 138lbs
    now i am 154lbs...looking really good lots of compliments..
    i didn't touch test at all...had erections many times, had sex many deca dik ain't a problem.. i'm 40 so this is great! I have 11 per cent body fat.

    the problem is I am running 25 mg of dball and 600 mg deca weekly...

    i want to keep running dball as long as the deca..i probably only have 3 more weeks left..but i will lose size once..i stop...i don't want to stop so what can i switch to maintain size. I seemed to have slowed down .i need to get to can i do it.. the dball i think is causing some indigestion i think i may have to come off that.

  2. #2
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    No source checks
    What do you have for pct?? How tall are you??

    What you loose depends on each person along with pct/diet/training and rest.....

    I would not advise that cycle to anyone...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
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    i'm 5 foot 6.... pct.. i have nolva ...i got no bitch tits or anything like that.. i'm pretty healthy.
    i'n very vascular...
    but i am not satisfied to go on pct anytime soon... i need more so i want to switch to another steroid maybe lose dball and keep deca...what would my other options be?..

    i know no one like deca dball without test...but to me it was great.. i got no acne , no mood swings...just good gains..with little water...everyone is different.

  4. #4
    longer you run the harder its going to be to recover

  5. #5
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    i'm 40 i ain't recovering anymore. I'm getting too much compliments and the ladies are coming out of the wood works..i can't quit now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    i'm 40 i ain't recovering anymore. I'm getting too much compliments and the ladies are coming out of the wood works..i can't quit now.
    Lol this is too funny, why even come on here and ask questions when you clearly are going to abuse yourself no matter what. Dbol is very liver toxic and shouldn`t be taken for excessive periods of time. You will eventually get the deca dick just give it some time and then see what the ladies say.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    i am asking what should i switch to?...the dball has ran it's course.

  8. #8
    youll either be blasting and cruising the rest of your life or be on hrt. Ud think u being 40 would mean u being a little wiser. enjoy limp dick and high bp
    Last edited by beelong122; 07-14-2011 at 02:55 PM. Reason: spelling

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    haha..i'm a nutritionist so i have a clean bill of health..i don't worry about the stuff u guys worry about. I eat good.
    and everything is fine so the results say.. no limp dick for this is not steroids that cause limp dick it is your lack of knowledge.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    i consult with doctors not joe's on the net...i just want to see if you are in the same what would u recommend..but no one here has a clue... all they can do is give lectures.. let's put u under the microscope i can give all of you a lecture..

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your gains are water weight at this stage and I think your smiles will be short live especially when you come off and try to recover your natural test at 40yrs old after using deca dbol. Best of luck you will need it.

  12. #12
    so ur not worried about not being able to produce any test naturaly when u come off

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    are you for real m8 or just plain stupid go gets some test!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    test-e /test-p /test-c if you consulted doctors you wouldnt be on here asking these simple question bud no offence at all you seem really happy so thats good but to be ignorant and arragant after youve been given advice about your cycle because you clearly dont know what your doing and youve been very lucky in the past snt the way forward bud so comon listen YOULL NEED TO SWITCH OR GET TEST NOW

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    i consult with doctors not joe's on the net...i just want to see if you are in the same what would u recommend..but no one here has a clue... all they can do is give lectures.. let's put u under the microscope i can give all of you a lecture..
    then go with what your dr's say. Cause apparently they think deca and d-bol are good. Nobody is going to recommend anything cause you shouldnt use something else.
    You think you have a clue? Your a nutritionist and could only get yourself to 138 lbs naturally. You and your doctors are jokes.

  16. #16
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    if you know about what defines a healthy person..then you would know that being a heavy weight does not equate to being healthy.. it comes down to muscular capacity, body fat percentage to mention a few. To judge someone on weight clearly shows your lack of understanding on the subject. I weight 154 and i curl 100lbs for reps..think about that. Pound for pound i am doing quite well.
    Being 11 per cent body fat at age of 40. All levels normal at age 40..and juicing on and off through out the years. Winning wrestling medals since I'm a personal trainer..just to mention a few things about me. Trust me i have been in the Iron game when you were in diapers. if you think you know something. I 'm pretty sure i can prove you wrong and throw your whole world upside down. I am here for one thing only...and still no answer....what is another compound that i can mix with deca after i stop my dball..don't say anadrol...and don't say test...i need opinions..and then i will tell u what the docs recommend. Don't take offense to any of this..everyone here gets so touchy when someone doesn't agree with them. Biologically speaking we are each unique one reacts to something..someone else may have a different reaction. We are all chemically different per say..think about interactions..they will differ in each don't be blind sheep. because some says deca dick..doesn't mean you will get May but some May NOT you cannot say everyone will get it. That is just ridiculous.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    i am asking what should i switch to?...the dball has ran it's course.
    FOOD,REST,SLEEP,NUTRITION....and the TRT clinic

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    if you know about what defines a healthy person..then you would know that being a heavy weight does not equate to being healthy.. it comes down to muscular capacity, body fat percentage to mention a few. To judge someone on weight clearly shows your lack of understanding on the subject. I weight 154 and i curl 100lbs for reps..think about that. Pound for pound i am doing quite well.
    Being 11 per cent body fat at age of 40. All levels normal at age 40..and juicing on and off through out the years. Winning wrestling medals since I'm a personal trainer..just to mention a few things about me. Trust me i have been in the Iron game when you were in diapers. if you think you know something. I 'm pretty sure i can prove you wrong and throw your whole world upside down. I am here for one thing only...and still no answer....what is another compound that i can mix with deca after i stop my dball..don't say anadrol...and don't say test...i need opinions..and then i will tell u what the docs recommend. Don't take offense to any of this..everyone here gets so touchy when someone doesn't agree with them. Biologically speaking we are each unique one reacts to something..someone else may have a different reaction. We are all chemically different per say..think about interactions..they will differ in each don't be blind sheep. because some says deca dick..doesn't mean you will get May but some May NOT you cannot say everyone will get it. That is just ridiculous.
    Really i dont care what you take. You have been a dipshit since you started here. Oh please let me know what your dr thinks. We are all on the edge of out seats for you to teach us. You already proven from just this thread you really have no clue and if you dr is advising you on this, i wouldn't trust them to take my temperature.

    I do agree with you that there is more then body weight to judge a person on. But apparently lbs are important to you since you cant stop until you reach 165. So yes as a personal trainer and nutritionist you should be able to hit 165lbs naturally at 5'6. Yes not everyone gets deca dick. But the percentages are high. Nothing is 100%. Well 1 thing is and that is your cycle is horrible.

    So you know about me your 6 years older then me. I've been winning wrestling tournaments since i started at the age of 5 was state champ 2 times and also fought mma in my 20's. I'm also a personal trainer but choose not to do it for a living. I'm also 5'6 176 and about 13% right now since i just started training again after about a year or so lay off.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Really i dont care what you take. You have been a dipshit since you started here. Oh please let me know what your dr thinks. We are all on the edge of out seats for you to teach us. You already proven from just this thread you really have no clue and if you dr is advising you on this, i wouldn't trust them to take my temperature.

    I do agree with you that there is more then body weight to judge a person on. But apparently lbs are important to you since you cant stop until you reach 165. So yes as a personal trainer and nutritionist you should be able to hit 165lbs naturally at 5'6. Yes not everyone gets deca dick. But the percentages are high. Nothing is 100%. Well 1 thing is and that is your cycle is horrible.

    So you know about me your 6 years older then me. I've been winning wrestling tournaments since i started at the age of 5 was state champ 2 times and also fought mma in my 20's. I'm also a personal trainer but choose not to do it for a living. I'm also 5'6 176 and about 13% right now since i just started training again after about a year or so lay off.
    excellent post!!!!

  20. #20
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    your five foot 6 176lbs..and how much can you curl? american wrestling in no where near canadian wrestling...GSP has proved that.
    any way because you are a nutritionist doesn't mean you will reach your goal...because my goal was 150 and i reached
    when i attain it. i will have a new yo catch my drift? You never stop creating goals..but i have reached all mine and i will reach my goal of 165 without any of your help and...i will take dball and deca because i have the balls to do so..unlike most people here... got no balls...and regurgitating misinformation all over the boards like a parrot.

  21. #21
    lol wowwwwwww is all I have to sat

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    your five foot 6 176lbs..and how much can you curl? american wrestling in no where near canadian wrestling...GSP has proved that.
    any way because you are a nutritionist doesn't mean you will reach your goal...because my goal was 150 and i reached
    when i attain it. i will have a new yo catch my drift? You never stop creating goals..but i have reached all mine and i will reach my goal of 165 without any of your help and...i will take dball and deca because i have the balls to do so..unlike most people here... got no balls...and regurgitating misinformation all over the boards like a parrot.
    are you sure you are 40? You sound like a child
    I'm saying if you are a good nutritionist and pt you should be able to hit your goals naturally. Not with running a long continuous cycle. Your goals are easily attainable naturally if you knew what you were doing

  23. #23
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    Saying I'm a child is resorting to personal attacks. You have to resort to such antics because you see yourself in is called self projection.
    So ronnie coleman is a great professional body builder should he resort to doing it naturally... your logic is flawed.
    Do you think ronnie coleman runs a three month cycle and then goes on pct?... come on u really think that?
    These guys are on it for years not months..let's be real.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    Saying I'm a child is resorting to personal attacks. You have to resort to such antics because you see yourself in is called self projection.
    So ronnie coleman is a great professional body builder should he resort to doing it naturally... your logic is flawed.
    Do you think ronnie coleman runs a three month cycle and then goes on pct?... come on u really think that?
    These guys are on it for years not months..let's be real.
    i said that because you seem very immature.
    Of course the pros don't do that, my logic isn't flawed. Your not a pro and your goals or not that of a pro. So i dont see the relevance.
    Your goals are very modest for your height and can be easily done with out the aid of steroids never the less a 6 month cycle.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    i'm 5 foot 6.... pct.. i have nolva ...i got no bitch tits or anything like that.. i'm pretty healthy.
    i'n very vascular...
    but i am not satisfied to go on pct anytime soon... i need more so i want to switch to another steroid maybe lose dball and keep deca...what would my other options be?..

    i know no one like deca dball without test...but to me it was great.. i got no acne , no mood swings...just good gains..with little water...everyone is different.
    your option would have been to run test with the cycle like you were advised and agreed to do in previous posts, if you did im sure your results would be better if your diet was in check.

  26. #26
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    This guy is a complete moron. Obviously has issues accepting he's wrong. Do what you want if you don't want to listen to others. Don't ask for advice. You know all.

  27. #27
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    ok junior, now go back and sit in the corner. Like a good little sheep.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    ok junior, now go back and sit in the corner. Like a good little sheep.
    I will. And keep your using yor extensive nutrition and pt knowledge and steroid abuse to reach and average goal.

  29. #29
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    the cycle is not over... i think i am making good gains...i have still managed to keep body fat under 12 per cent.

  30. #30
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    the junior comment was meant for sxxen.

    It may be average to you...but i'm an ectomorph. so right now..I have larger than normal muscles on a small bone frame..which looks good. It's not really about weight. it's how much muscle can i put on this frame... I have weighed more in the past(160lbs) but my body fat was around 15 so doesn't look nearly as good as motto is if i am not gaining the strength or muscle then i don't care to put on weight. It has to be relative.. i don't see the point in gaining weight if it will be all fat and look like i take my time and monitor my body fat levels. if i gain the muscle slow it's ok..165lbs can be accomplished i agree...and when i do..the new mission will be trying to keep it naturally. Unless you are an ectomorph then you don't understand how hard it is for this body type to make gains. Ask any of them.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by sxxen View Post
    This guy is a complete moron. Obviously has issues accepting he's wrong. Do what you want if you don't want to listen to others. Don't ask for advice. You know all.
    i agree,ther is always one that knows all than anyone else,he'll learn one of theses days by doing 6 months cycle and when the girls stop"chasing" him around cant help a arrogant know it all,waste of a thread imo

  32. #32
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    My dads bigger than your dad

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    haha..i'm a nutritionist so i have a clean bill of health..i don't worry about the stuff u guys worry about. I eat good.
    and everything is fine so the results say.. no limp dick for this is not steroids that cause limp dick it is your lack of knowledge.
    Lack of knowldege causes limp dick does it? What about the random chance that you will never recover off of 1 cycle?? Knowdlege must be pretty powerfull stuff to be able to fix that?

    So far off 1 cycle i have not recovered and it has been 14 weeks. After doing extensive research I am almost certain the majority of people on this site that cycle, have never recovered, how many people do you actually here about getting blood tests before and after? Nope hardly ever. Go read about on forums years ago, of people never recovering off of PH'S, ive spoken to countless people that now have limp dick for life of of 1 PH cycle.

    You do realise they give deca to chemically castrate people?
    Last edited by kbm12345; 07-16-2011 at 11:03 AM.

  34. #34
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    the junior comment was meant for sxxen.

    It may be average to you...but i'm an ectomorph. so right now..I have larger than normal muscles on a small bone frame..which looks good. It's not really about weight. it's how much muscle can i put on this frame... I have weighed more in the past(160lbs) but my body fat was around 15 so doesn't look nearly as good as motto is if i am not gaining the strength or muscle then i don't care to put on weight. It has to be relative.. i don't see the point in gaining weight if it will be all fat and look like i take my time and monitor my body fat levels. if i gain the muscle slow it's ok..165lbs can be accomplished i agree...and when i do..the new mission will be trying to keep it naturally. Unless you are an ectomorph then you don't understand how hard it is for this body type to make gains. Ask any of them.
    I am a ecto and when I joined the gym almost a decade ago I was 5'7'' 135 lb... I went to 155 in two years with a very average unplanned diet(naturally) and if I had the knowledge I have today I could've easily reached 165 all natural... I am sorry but a cycle at 138 lb means you have no natural base and your gains will be very short lived... Even with a nice PCT which I doubt will happen. I am a ECTO and definitely know how hard it is to gain and keep, I am no nutritionist or P.T and I am able to stay around 190lb looking pretty lean. I understand a ecto complaint about not been able to break 190 or 200 but 140's??? Come on.

    Accept that you know jack about how to juice and try to learn from these guys out here. They do help out if you know how to listen.

  35. #35
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    Id like to start by saying WOW this is too enetertaining to be read at work. I wont post long because i cant stand reading them so apologies in advance for breaking the posts. Ok big boy, so ur the shit and you're a pro.... you also dont happento ask regular joes on the net questions (i want to keep running dball as long as the deca..i probably only have 3 more weeks left..but i will lose size once..i stop...i don't want to stop so what can i switch to maintain size. I seemed to have slowed down .i need to get to can i do it.. the dball i think is causing some indigestion i think i may have to come off that. ) so thanks for handing me my doctorates in Gear.

  36. #36
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    My next point is that there are always bigger fish, we arent on here to compare penis size (although I have a feeling its just another area youd fall short in ::no homo:: ) we are here to have intelligent conversations and expand our knowledge base so we arent ignorant to chemicals we are putting in our bodies

  37. #37
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    Next id like to say thank you for giving me yeat another reason to hate canadiens,eh? Oh, and your boy GSP is way too humble to agree with anyone as close minded as yourself so..... -3 =D

  38. #38
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    and LITTLE BOY, I curl what you weigh, for reps so stfu about how big and bad you are... and the reason your girl hasnt complained yet about your sexual performance is prolly because she has someone like me to get her off... simpler put, in the words of Wiz Khalifa "AND I PROLLY ****ED YO' BITCH NIGGA"
    -THE END

  39. #39
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    Hot Dam another know it all.Whos next?

  40. #40
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    i got my blood checked before i started everything is fine the doc says i'm in great health. liver tests, chol, bp, test all normal.
    ...i'm 7 - 8 weeks in..and you guys are all crying like a little school girl about to lose her virginity.

    i will reach my goals and there is nothing you can do about it.. yes that guy took two years to reach his goals that is because he is a moron. He took two years. i will take 3 why don't you all munch on the big one.

    It is easy to be a know it all here..It's like taking candy from a baby...bunch of blind sheep..who can think doesn't matter if you guys get big..because you are all slaves and will die not even knowing how you followed wrong principles all your life. I just talked to my doc..he is having a good laugh at some of the info here.

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