Really i dont care what you take. You have been a dipshit since you started here. Oh please let me know what your dr thinks. We are all on the edge of out seats for you to teach us. You already proven from just this thread you really have no clue and if you dr is advising you on this, i wouldn't trust them to take my temperature.
I do agree with you that there is more then body weight to judge a person on. But apparently lbs are important to you since you cant stop until you reach 165. So yes as a personal trainer and nutritionist you should be able to hit 165lbs naturally at 5'6. Yes not everyone gets deca dick. But the percentages are high. Nothing is 100%. Well 1 thing is and that is your cycle is horrible.
So you know about me your 6 years older then me. I've been winning wrestling tournaments since i started at the age of 5 was state champ 2 times
and also fought mma in my 20's. I'm also a personal trainer but choose not to do it for a living. I'm also 5'6 176 and about 13% right now since i just started training again after about a year or so lay off.