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Thread: Should I start?... questions

  1. #1
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    Should I start?... questions

    So my Dr replaced my Androgel prescription with Test C. Just picked up a 10ml vial at CVS! I was planning on doing a 10 week Test E cycle which I plan on starting next week.

    1) Can I use use one Test E for the first 5 weeks and then the Test C for the remaining 5 weeks. I know they are pretty similar but do you think there would be any issues. From what I read the answer is no but just better safe than sorry.

    2) I managed to get down to 13% bf and my current weight is 211 lbs. Do you think 13% is acceptable or should I continue to try and lose some weight? I was supposed to start this cycle July 1 but just wasn't down enough on the fat where I was comfortable.

    BTW, they made me pin myself at the office before they would give me the prescription to make sure I could do it myself. Did it no problem in the thigh. It's sore now but it feels good. This was yesterday, 200mg. Best part about it... was a free shot!
    Last edited by cb714; 07-14-2011 at 02:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    England - UK
    10ml is unlikely to last you 10weeks. how many mg per ml?

    yes, because theyre both synthetic tests of long esters they can both be used in the same cycle. 13% is not bad but if you feel you could lose more then you'll see better results from your cycle.

    i usually cycle at around 14% bf most of the time.

  3. #3
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    I have 2 10ml of test enan @ 250mg/ml. Those would have lasted me 10 weeks. I want to replace one of those with my 10ml vial of Test cyp because it's probably a lot cleaner than the Test E considering it comes from a legit pharmacy. Only problem is the Cyp is 200mg/ml vs 250/mg/ml with the Test E.

    I feel like Im ready. I guess there is always more weight to lose but if I never set a point then I'll always be trying to reach that 4% (which will never happen with me). Originally I was shooting for 10% but Im so anxious to start I think I can deal with 13%. Just wanted everyone's input.

    Thanks for the reply brotha!
    Last edited by cb714; 07-14-2011 at 04:07 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    England - UK
    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post

    I have 2 10ml of test enan @ 250mg/ml. Those would have lasted me 10 weeks. I want to replace one of those with my 10ml vial of Test cyp because it's probably a lot cleaner than the Test E considering it comes from a legit pharmacy. Only probably is the Cyp is 200mg/ml vs 250/mg/ml with the Test E.

    I feel like Im ready. I guess there is always more weight to lose but if I never set a point then I'll always be trying to reach that 4% (which will never happen with me). Originally I was shooting for 10% but Im so anxious to start I think I can deal with 13%. Just wanted everyone's input.

    Thanks for the reply brotha!
    How many mg per week you planning on taking then with the amount you've got?? personally i wouldnt run anything under 400mg per week.

    as for the test cyp and test e being different mg's per ml, you'll have to do some calculations to work out how many ml your gonna be injecting each time as you should keep it to the same amount of mg's each week.

    try running a 2 week cycle of clen before your cycle if your wanna lose a few lb's in bf before you start, else run in through your pct to help keep strength up when you come off.

    You have got your pct lined up havent you????

  5. #5
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    I plan on doing 500 mg's of Test E per week and if I do switch over to the Cyp it would have to be 400 mg's per week because doing it at 250mg it would not last me 5 weeks. Maybe I should start with the Test C first and finish it off with the enanthate.

    As far as PCT I have Nolvadex. Wasnt planning on doing Clomid unless I absolutely have to. I do have a bottle on standby though. Also have some HCG to take when nuts start shriveling up. I've gotten mixed advice from people as far as HCG goes. Some say to do it as part of PCT other say you should work it into your cycle for a couple of weeks. After reading through a bunch of info I decided to try it during the cycle.

    As far as clen goes, I don't do too well with those types of drugs. I've been told if feels similar to ephedrine.

    I spoke to my Dr and he's aware of what I am going to do and he did mention that it's possible to keep most of my gains afterwards by going back to androgel because it would still supply my body with testosterone while my nuts get back up and running. I guess the dosage is small enough to where it doesn't really interfere with your natural testosterone production but at the same time it should be enough to keep my gains.

  6. #6
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    chances if you just got put on trt you are going to have to go for follow up bloodwork in a month or 2 to make sure they have the dosing correct. Doing a cycle will screw that up big time

  7. #7
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    I've been on TRT for a few months now. I have my bloodwork coming up in a week to see what my levels are. I don't plan on starting until after the bloodwork otherwise they'll cut me off! lol

  8. #8
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post

    I've been on TRT for a few months now. I have my bloodwork coming up in a week to see what my levels are. I don't plan on starting until after the bloodwork otherwise they'll cut me off! lol
    ok. I missread your post then. i just wanted to make sure that didnt happen.
    Yes you can mix the 2 different test

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