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Thread: Decreased cardio with tren?

  1. #1

    Decreased cardio with tren?

    So I'm doing my first test (enanthate)/tren (acetate) stack very soon. I have all of my supps, diet and training reg in line. I was planning on doing cardio for 20 minutes after 3 or 4 out of my five lifting days, but I've been hearing a lot of people recommend decreasing your cardio while on tren? So my question is if I dropped cardio to 2-3 days a week would I still lean out pretty well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    stats? And is this your FIRST cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    Im glad I read your post because I have the same question about my Test E cycle. Wondering if I should do cardio at all or just avoid it altogether?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    As far as that question goes, I would avoid it completely.
    Tren is known to cause left ventricle hypertrophy. The harder your heart works, the more tren works.
    Also cardio on tren is like 5x harder than off. Running 5 miles will be nothing to climbing 5 flights of stairs when on tren.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Tren indirectly causes LVH if you sat down and done nothing you would not get LVH from tren

    Your cardio will suck because you will be winded easier

    Don't use tren if your CV health is important to you


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pac Man View Post
    As far as that question goes, I would avoid it completely.
    Tren is known to cause left ventricle hypertrophy. The harder your heart works, the more tren works.
    Also cardio on tren is like 5x harder than off. Running 5 miles will be nothing to climbing 5 flights of stairs when on tren.

    @pacman, No this is my third cycle. I previously did two runs of test-e @ 500mg/wk with awesome results, just not the leaner results I'm looking for out of this cycle. I've never ran tren before but from what research I've read it seems that tren is the way to go if you want to shred up. But, are you suggesting if I do little to no cardio at all the tren ace will still rip me up? I have heard claims of this but it sounds almost too good to be true.
    25 years old
    %12 BF
    5 years weight training

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    It is a miracle drug, that's for sure but it comes at a hefty price.
    While on Tren I am kind of an odd ball, I hold water. Once I stop tren the water falls off and I look like a beast, striations in the freaking teeth. Strength is unbelievable. I don't eat clean on tren, I eat everything I can and I still lean up. I love it but I hate it so much less.

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