Hello everyone,
As you can see this is my first time posting on this site and I was wondering if you could help me with a cycle I want to run.
Age: 25
Height: 6"1
Weight: 180
BF: 10%
Exp: 7 years
I wanted to try an Anavar only cycle for just 6-8 weeks. I probably will get little if not no results but I want to try it out since it's my first time.
I did some research on the steroid and I know it's very mild and expensive. The reason why I only want to take Anavar is because I don't want any of the side effects from a stronger steroid.
What's a good dosage? I heard 50g/ED (30mg a.m and then 20mg p.m) was a good idea.
I found a site called Global Anabolic that sells the Steroid and it's called "Glonavar". Is this one a fake/alternative or the legit drug?