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  1. #1
    Foreverbulking is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Week after a ten week cycle

    Hi guys I have just completed a ten week cycle of TEST E at 500 mg per week, with 20 mg of dynabol taken ed for the first four weeks, My weight went from 207 pounds to 238 pounds on this cycle, I gained about three inches on my thighs, three inches on my chest, and about 1.4 inches on my arms, But what concerns me is that i also gained two inches on my waist. Now my arms do not look to have gained any fat on them, but there is a slight increase on my thighs and chest.

    I managed to increase my deadlift while on, by about fourty pounds, and my bench by about thirty , but every dumbell lift and isolation exercise seems to have stalled with the odd five pound increase here or there.

    Has anyone else had a similair experience? does it sound like my gear could have been bunk and most of my gains were fat? My diet was quite clean and i was eating about 1200-1500 above maintenance for the duration of the cycle, people say im looking heaps bigger, but I realise the general population cannot really differentiate between fat and muscle so thats not much of a guideline.

    Sorry, for life story post. haha

  2. #2
    yearightbuddy is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower back and abs probably got bigger, as for the fat how are u not able to tell if u gained fat?

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