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Thread: 1st cyle 100mg deca, 100mgtest infomation???

  1. #1

    1st cyle 100mg deca, 100mgtest infomation???

    hi everyone im 21 years old and weight 11 stone 1 pound, i got to the gym all time and have a very hard working job, trouble was i never put on any more weight no matter what i ate, or did. So last week i starting steriods i got a 5 week course of 100mg deca, 100mg test ive been told to stick to that for the next 4 weeks to let my body no its in me then when thats finished up it to 200mg deca and 200mg test, does that sounds ok to all you, because i was thinking of doing the 100mg of each twice a week but somone told me to finish this cycle, would just like somone with a bit of knolege to let me know thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    very small amount you should up the test to 500 mg a week and keep the deca at 100 or just cut out the deca since its your first cycle guideline suggests 500 mg is normal for a novice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    STUDY UP... and loading progressively is a myth, IMO i wouldnt run Deca at your age regardless of how light a "stone" is :LOL:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    at 21 you shouldnt be using anything. And that cycle is a horribly bad. i would stop injecting anything now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    like above do not do the deca, just do the test at 500 mg a week instead it will yield very good gains if your diet is in order.

  6. #6
    whys deca so bad?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    it gives you a worse shutdown and deca at your age is could damage and make it harder for you to recover, if you are going to do it anyway like i said use Test Enanthate or cypionate at 500 mg a week great novice cycle you will gain greatly, have you got any pct in mind? You always gotta have a good PCT planed.

  8. #8
    orite i would love to get to 13 stone thats my aim, working hard, protien shakes and the steriods, 500 mg of test tho thats a bottle every 2 weeks and it aint cheep

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by roiphy View Post
    orite i would love to get to 13 stone thats my aim, working hard, protien shakes and the steriods, 500 mg of test tho thats a bottle every 2 weeks and it aint cheep
    you can do that naturally. You are going to screw your self up. do you even know what kind pf test you have? How often you are supposed to do injections. Do you know what pct is or have it?

  10. #10
    i have Test Enanthate (all test t-350) i inject 100mg of deca and 100mg of test a week a steady amount for the first cycle, then doube up next month is what i have been told by the guys i know do it, and i do not no what pct is or have no. what is it? this is why im asking you guys....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    and that is why im telling you to stop. Your buddies have know clue. You do realize at your age you probably make close to 100mg a week naturally. So you are shutting down your system to replace it synthetically with no gain. PCT is post cycle therapy. It what you do when you stop to get your body to start producing your natural hormones again sicne you have shut your body down. There is a whole section on here about it. With out it plan on loosing anything you gain. Probably being depressed and having erection problems.

    I'm not trying to be mean. But oyu have no idea what you are doing or injecting. What are you going to do if you start side getting side effect next week. Your best bet is to stop everything. You need to eat to gain weight. If you eat more you will gain weight either in fat or muscle. Apparently you are only eating enough to support your 11 stone. Steroids arent going to change that. What do you think its going to make the muscles out of?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I cant speak for everyone, but im npt insulting you by any means... however, i am saying that people need to study before introducing chemicals into their body, especially cuz ur jus starting life, and how are you gonna feel when ur 28 and cant get a stiffy? not too good i assume. that being said, as Gixxer said b4 it has horrible shut down of test, hence why u need to run suffice test with it in the first place... these forums are also for questions not for someone to do the research for you.... if its important to u then study... also, juice isnt cheap, if ur not gonna do it right then dont do it at all. PCt is postcycle tehrapy, ill let u study the rest of that on your own.... Cheers

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by roiphy View Post
    orite i would love to get to 13 stone thats my aim, working hard, protien shakes and the steriods, 500 mg of test tho thats a bottle every 2 weeks and it aint cheep
    i dont know how if you have test 350, running 500mg a week a bottle would last alot longer then 2 weeks. Thats why i say you dont know what you are injecting in yourself

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    as above stop before you seriously damage your self, if you do not even know what Post cycle therapy is then you have alot of reading to do , may i suggest getting a good diet in order? Read up on dieting what food you need to be eating to grow protein , carbs, vitamins/minerals, water, then comes supplements along side a good diet. Build your self up with a good gym routine and diet hard for 2 years or so, then you can start reading into AAS.

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i dont know how if you have test 350, running 500mg a week a bottle would last alot longer then 2 weeks. Thats why i say you dont know what you are injecting in yourself

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

  16. #16
    ok thanks for all your advice, what is it tho that the deca does in combind with test to make you bigger?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    study the profiles of each in the profiles section

  18. #18
    Why are you guys telling him to run the cycle at 500mg? He weights 155 lb.

    How tall are you, OP?

  19. #19
    im 6 ft 2 11 stone 2 pound

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