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  1. #1
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    Experiencing side effects

    I am a 55 year old male progressive pharmacist type 2 diabetic taking HRT because of low t. I am currently taking the following
    testosterone propionate 25mg/ml x 4ml
    nandrolone 50mg/ml x 4ml
    boldenone 50mg/ml x 4ml
    vit b-12 3000mcg/ml x 1ml

    all mixed in a 10ml syringe slowly injected deep sq in 2 sites on inner or outer thighs 2x/day with a 25g 5/8 inch needle.

    diabetes meds current hba1c - 7.0
    glyburide 5mg 2x/day
    metformin 850mg 2x/day

    simvastatin 20mg/day

    propranolol 40mg hs
    amlodipine 10mg/day
    losartan 100mg hs- to protect kidneys
    levothyroxine 0.2mg qd

    blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, hba1c all within normal limits. can't get triglycerides below 250 although I am told by doctor that this is no big deal.

    total testosterone 3,281 on 3/11/2011 last test
    estradiol 27.3 pg/ml on 2/28/2011

    I live in the dominican republic and play masters leauge softball about 3 times a week -2 games a day-. For about the past 2-3 months i have had a chronically stiff neck, and experienced significant muscle heaviness, like a resistance keeping me from lifting my right arm, although i can still lift it but i can feel the difference. I can't do pushups mow either and could do about 30 at a time before. this all starated after i was out of action because of an ankle injury and have since stopped going to the gym. I feel like i have much less energy and was wondering if this could be due to some sort of neuromuscular efeect the injections might be having or perhaps its the benzyl alcohol or some other ingredient in the injections. Please don't tell me i,m just getting old!

  2. #2
    Devil_Doc's Avatar
    Devil_Doc is offline Associate Member
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    I think you'd be better suited in the over 40 section of the forum...

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i dont see the steroids causing that, but you are not injecting the prop correctly. It has to be injected eod min. cause it has a short half life

    are you dividing 13ml of gear into 2 shots. If so that is waaaayy to much to be injecting in one location. Also steroids are supposed to be injected im not sub q

  4. #4
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    oops error, change the boldenone to 2ml. so thats a total of 11ml i am injecting this into 2 diffrent sites very slowly- about 2 minutes per injection and have noticed no leakage or pain/inflamation. I am doing this -11ml regimen- twice a day. I would also describe my problem as a decrease in range of motion or a feeling of heaviness in the muscles. its as if the muscles feel very tight and hard to loosen up. I read about injecting steroids SQ OR DEEP SQ on this site I believe. will look again now. THANKS

  5. #5
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    check out this link. there are many more if you search it. yes 5ml per deep sq injection site does seem like a lot but because of the fineness of the needle and the slow injection time i theorize i have had no injection site problems. i.m. injections hurt a lot and seem to do a lot of damage inside the muscle not to mention the long lasting pain and disablity often caused by this injection method

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Wait, so what doses are you taking weekly? (in mg)
    The way you have everything listed is really confusing.

  7. #7
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    test prop 1400mg
    nandrolone 2800mg
    boldenone 2800mg
    vit b12 2800mcg


  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ectoid View Post
    test prop 1400mg
    nandrolone 2800mg
    boldenone 2800mg
    vit b12 2800mcg

    You must be joking...those doses are unheard of outside of pro bodybuilding circles!
    You're 55 years old and supposedly running HRT, yet you're using enough AAS for 5 men and wondering why you feel like shit?

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ectoid View Post
    test prop 1400mg
    nandrolone 2800mg
    boldenone 2800mg
    vit b12 2800mcg

    if that is correct you need to stop now. You are taking ridiculous amounts of stuff. more then 4 times the recommended dose. I'm not surprised you feel bad. Thats a ton of oil and mg's

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    a normal hrt dose is 100-200mg of test a week.

  11. #11
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    yes i was only taking half this dose or injecting once a day til about 2 weeks ago when i started feeling like this and i dont feel that much different now. i read about some of the max doses being taken and wanted to try to burn off some extra weight fast. I will go back to doing the routine /11ml total as above once a day for a week and titrate it down from there and see if i feel better. i started out working off the novice cycle reccomendations for bodybuilders on this site. even though I started using test because my total t was very low i decided i would try out the novice dosing as the 100-200mg a week did not seem to be having much of an effect and I was going to the gym 3 times a week and playing softball 3-4 times a week, and in this tropical heat it is a real workout! anyway thanks for your help and advice -it is appreciated as would any further advice. I am still relatively new to this.

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ectoid View Post
    I am a 55 year old male progressive pharmacist type 2 diabetic taking HRT because of low t. I am currently taking the following
    testosterone propionate 25mg/ml x 4ml
    nandrolone 50mg/ml x 4ml
    boldenone 50mg/ml x 4ml
    vit b-12 3000mcg/ml x 1ml

    all mixed in a 10ml syringe slowly injected deep sq in 2 sites on inner or outer thighs 2x/day with a 25g 5/8 inch needle.

    diabetes meds current hba1c - 7.0
    glyburide 5mg 2x/day
    metformin 850mg 2x/day

    simvastatin 20mg/day

    propranolol 40mg hs
    amlodipine 10mg/day
    losartan 100mg hs- to protect kidneys
    levothyroxine 0.2mg qd

    blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, hba1c all within normal limits. can't get triglycerides below 250 although I am told by doctor that this is no big deal.

    total testosterone 3,281 on 3/11/2011 last test
    estradiol 27.3 pg/ml on 2/28/2011

    I live in the dominican republic and play masters leauge softball about 3 times a week -2 games a day-. For about the past 2-3 months i have had a chronically stiff neck, and experienced significant muscle heaviness, like a resistance keeping me from lifting my right arm, although i can still lift it but i can feel the difference. I can't do pushups mow either and could do about 30 at a time before. this all starated after i was out of action because of an ankle injury and have since stopped going to the gym. I feel like i have much less energy and was wondering if this could be due to some sort of neuromuscular efeect the injections might be having or perhaps its the benzyl alcohol or some other ingredient in the injections. Please don't tell me i,m just getting old!
    welcome to the board mate,
    I'm a wee bit younger than you, but am very understanding the challanges we mid life guys have in staying youthful.
    For now, let's just forget you are even taking aas. Some of the symptoms you describe are red flags for heart attack. If it were me, I'd go see a doctor, and insist on a treadmill stress test.
    this could also be a form of angina, hard to tell.

    just another comment from someone close to your age.
    you seem to be taking a lot of different aas. I would be a little more uncomfortable with that, especially because of your other health issues.

    You may want to consider something like this:
    test cyp 100mg ew (standard trt dose)
    Peptides: cjc-1295 and ghrp-6 3x a day

    the peptides trigger a growth hormone response, and has significant long term benefits, unlike testosterone. the growth hormone will actually grow NEW muscle cells, (unlike testosterone).

    As one grows older, the overall amount of aas needs to come down.

    But go see a doctor. Better safe than sorry....


  13. #13
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    Bro try Niaspan for your triglycerides. Mine was a whopping 358 my last physical and a total cholesterol count of 240. After a few weeks on Niaspan by cholesterol dropped to 118 and my triglycerides went down to 174.

  14. #14
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    did you check your liver enzymes with niaspan? this is a well documented and fairly common side effect. any flushing, redness or burning of the skin, especially scalp face and chest. waht dosage are you taking?

  15. #15
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    Hey Roman thanks, I really appreciate your honest and well delivered advice. I would have to agree that the symptoms do sound like they could be cardiac/angina related. I really doubt it for several reasons. I am rockin and rollin with my girl almost every day and sometimes twice amd we aint't talkinn no wam bam thank you mam either but some serious aerobic workouts of 15 to 20 minutes and you know how much this works your heart. I also play softball a few times a week here in the tropical D.R. heat including running sprints and warming up 1st. this generally imvovlves a faitr bit of exercise with 2 games over 4 hours or so although i must admit it sometimes includes a few 12 ounce curls! I live in a third floor apt with really steep steps on a daead end street and am constantly going up and down the steps without even breathing hard. I am 6 feet 3 inches and 225 lbs and in reasonably good shape. I take and haver been doing so for about 25 yrs, handfuls, about 20-30 different vitamins, dietary supplements, mostly from life extension foundation and have been studying, promoting and reccomending dietary supps/ alternative medicine etc as a pharmacist since the late 80's. I took growth hormone up until I came here but have found it hard to find. You can however buy steroid here without a prescription, but most at animal/farm supply shops pretty inexpensively. I would say the rate of use os roid here among men approaches 15 percent- just guessing but I can tell you its really high as are the doses used and you hear very few horror stories or even complaints about side effects and I have been here for 8 years. Any way your advice is not lost on me and being the prudent person I am I will go see a cardiologist and get back to you. ThANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR EXCELLENT AND CARING ADVICE! MIKE

  16. #16
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    Also Roman, can you please explain the peptides thing to me or send me some good links. I have no knowledge of these. Thanks

  17. #17
    cb714's Avatar
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    Im taking 500 mg of niaspan every night before I go to bed. It's delayed release so I dont notice the flushing because it probably happens while Im sleeping. Once I took it and stayed awake for 2 hours and still got no flush. Everyone reacts differently to niacin though but I do know that even if you get flushing at first, your body adjusts and after a week or so you wont get it anymore... or a lot less.

    No, I have not checked my liver enzymes since I started taking it. I should get it checked though.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-20-2011 at 01:19 AM.

  18. #18
    ectoid is offline New Member
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    I haven't injected for about 4 days now and am feeling a lot better. Thanks for bringing me to my senses!

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