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Thread: Can a diabetic take a cycle?

  1. #1

    Can a diabetic take a cycle?

    Just to ask simply, i'm still doing my homework researching diff cycles PCT's i could do. But before i do i need to adress a problem. i'm a type I diabetic (different than type II) which can be regulated with diet... Type I is insulin dependent. What kind of adverse affects if any would i possible encounter with this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    You can utilize insulin to really gain muscle mass and cut up. and not worry about causing t1d.
    BBers use insulin to maximize gains and cut fat, you can learn how they do that and incorporate it into your cycle
    No there isnt many problems doing a cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    im also a type 1. Yes you can use. I dont have time to answer more in depth now. But what questions you got

  4. #4
    i am also type 1 diabetic and have done several cyscles, if anything it really helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Think maybe the fact that your pancreas never produces insulin might be an advantage. Learn first how to eat properly and how insulin works and you can use this to your advantage.

  6. #6
    my main concerns/questions were whether or not it would screw with my bloodsugars. i.e unexpected highs or lows. insulin resistance problems anything along those lines. I haven't done a ton of research yet on using insulin to get bigger. i have however given myself more than i normally would when i'm in a bulking stage to increase hunger and thuse be able to eat more lol. nothign too crazy though. also i'm on an insulin pump and take humolog insulin

  7. #7
    I know a type 1 I do believe. That's the irreversible one right? Anyway, I always thought it was not a good idea to do steroids if you had such an illness? If not, I would also like to know if cycles would look different for individuals with diabetes and/or what precautions would need to be taken.

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