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Thread: 1st cycle non BB'er Anavar+ WINNY STACK

  1. #1

    1st cycle non BB'er Anavar+ WINNY STACK

    Hey guys Im new here been reading about AS for 3 solid months now, been training hard for past 8 months seeing great gains. I play college baseball and am a middle infielder. Var will help me get stronger, while staying light. I decided to add Winny even though it will dry out my joints because A) it was cheap and B) I would like to maximize the roid effects considering Var is mild, and i was only able to get 100x10mg tabs for a 6 week cycle.

    other products that will be used-- Clenbuterol, clomid, and some liv-52 generic milk thistle as well

    Its 1 am here and I just wanted to get this down in writing Ill post my dosages for 6 weeks 2morrow morning. Im sure I gave you enough info here to flame me for a solid page or 2. But I'll add a little more. Im 5'9 165. already pretty cut, full 6 pack, etc probably sub 6-7% BF. I eat 3k calories a day, 1-1.3g's my weight in protein, 6 meals a day etc.. all clean I cheat on Sundays. Split workout 5days a week, do HIT cardio on wedsdays for 50min along with 15min of sprints 4days a week. What else...

    Supplements I'll take on cycle (and have been taking)
    animal pak (1pack)
    creatine monohydrate
    chromium pico
    casein before bed
    whey protein 4 times a day not including 6meals..

    So.. run 6week cycle of Var and Win, eat big and pack on 10lbs of quality muscle and stay shredded. Hopefully build more fast twitch muscle fibers for arm strength. I don't pitch so with some joint care I don't see an arm injury coming my way.. Clen will be taken to help with sprints and improve natural test and breathing, clomid towards end of cycle and 2weeks after for pct. I am a needle ***** so adding TEST WILL NOT HAPPEN. I can handle the soft wood for a month and the no drinking to protect my liver. As long as the crash when i stop taking the var and winny isn't extreme, im not tripping about the no added test.

    week1----20mg anavar/20mg win/12mg clen
    wk2-------20mg var/ 30mg win/12mg clen
    wk3-------20mg var/30mg win
    wk4-------30mg var/20mg win/12mg clen
    wk5-------30mg var/20mg win/12mg clen
    wk6-------20mg var/30mg win/50mg clomid
    wk7--------12mg clen/50mg clomid
    wk8--------12mg clen/50mg clomid

    liv 52 will be taken ED for 100days
    i have 240 tabs of clen.. 4mg... So going to take 12mg a day

    for those wondering.. This cycle is based off of Brad Pitt's haha (nvm can't post links :S)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Anavar, winstrol, and clenbuterol cycle??? Lmfao!

  3. #3
    Kepp hating dude. Im not trying to look like a meat head. Just supplement my training in the gym for baseball season.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    Not a smart idea. Test is the base of any steroid cycle. Get over ur fear of needles or forget about doing a cycle.

    but prolly be fine. good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped_k1d View Post
    Kepp hating dude. Im not trying to look like a meat head. Just supplement my training in the gym for baseball season.
    I can appreciate your not wanting to look like a meat head. Neither do I, but your cycle plan is junk. You'll shut down your natural test production while on that "cycle". With no test to help keep your hormonal system balanced you will subject yourself to the side effects of a testosterone free body. Keep reading the educational threads and the threads about PCT. get a clue, then get your gear. if your under 25 read Marcus300's thread about the young and steroids.
    play ball!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    ^^^ agreed. at least run a low dose of test prop. Pretty much never cycle without using a test. whether you look like a meat head or not has everything to do with diet and training arrangements. Orals are sooo much worse for you then inj, so i dont understand why anybody would be opposed to inj. If your not ready to inj your def not ready for aas

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    I can appreciate your not wanting to look like a meat head. Neither do I, but your cycle plan is junk. You'll shut down your natural test production while on that "cycle". With no test to help keep your hormonal system balanced you will subject yourself to the side effects of a testosterone free body. Keep reading the educational threads and the threads about PCT. get a clue, then get your gear. if your under 25 read Marcus300's thread about the young and steroids.
    play ball!!
    Field Goal

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Phoenix, AZ
    Hmmm, I dunno. I know Var is a mild steroid, but mixing it with Winny? 2x17aa steroids at once? Wouldnt that be pretty hard on the old liver? I guess his dosages are small enough that it wouldnt be TOO bad, but I dont think I would ever take 2 at once. But I completely agree that no cycle should be done without Test in the mix. Test is the foundation of any cycle. I wouldnt touch a cycle with a 10 foot pole if I didnt have Test to base it off of.

    And Ripped, test isnt going to make you a meat head. Unless you are eating a ton to bulk up, test itself isnt going to make you huge. I took a cycle of Test and Var for cutting and it works great. You get hard, and can cut down without losing much, if any, lean body mass.

    Needles arent bad. But i guess when you have been a EMT for a few years, you get over your fear of needles. Haha

  9. #9
    ended up buying helladrol from

    going to use liquid nolva for pct along with cycle support on and off cycle. wish me luck

  10. #10
    Do not post URL's first and foremost. Secondly how old are you? You are going to use a Prohormone? Good luck sir.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped_k1d View Post
    ended up buying helladrol from

    going to use liquid nolva for pct along with cycle support on and off cycle. wish me luck
    your going to do yourself more harm then good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    I can appreciate your not wanting to look like a meat head. Neither do I, but your cycle plan is junk. You'll shut down your natural test production while on that "cycle". With no test to help keep your hormonal system balanced you will subject yourself to the side effects of a testosterone free body. Keep reading the educational threads and the threads about PCT. get a clue, then get your gear. if your under 25 read Marcus300's thread about the young and steroids.
    play ball!!

    So many of these threads lately... These guys don't know anything and then they say "they dont wanna look like a meathead" as if all you needed to do to look like a meathead is add test to your cycle and BAM!! YOUR HUUUGE.... You couldn't look like a Meathead in 1 mild cycle even if you really wanted to.

    I am not trying to offend any1 but I don't understand how they come up with these crazy cycle plans... Read a little mate, do it for you, for your health.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped_k1d View Post
    ended up buying helladrol from

    going to use liquid nolva for pct along with cycle support on and off cycle. wish me luck
    Now look what you've all made him do..

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