Okay well basically I'm not planning to do a cycle yet.
But just posting this to gain knowledge about this cycle.

dbol - would be running Monday-Friday at 25mg-30mg a day.- for 4 weeks.
deca 300 - 2ml a week - 1ml Monday and 1ml Thursday for 5weeks
sust 250 - 2ml a week - 1ml Monday and 1ml Thursday - for 10or12 weeks (sust and deca would be taken together for first 5weeks).

Clomid - 2weeks after last injection at 2 tablets a day for about 4weeks?

Just wanted to know would this be a great first bulking cycle?and with the PCT being what it is; would most gains be kept? If not, how could I improve the PCT to be at its best? And how would I improve the whole cycle if it was to be improved?

Would this be proper PCT?

What would be the average gains to this cycle?

Sorry for being a pest with all the questions but as a personal trainer I would like gain knowledge in stacking and cycling to take into consideration. May plan on taking on this cycle further on in the future.
