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  1. #1
    Grunt01 is offline New Member
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    safety concerning length of cycle

    hey, here's the deal:

    27 years old started d-bol @ 40mg/day now down to 25mg/day. been on it for 5 weeks.
    waiting for test-e and pct to come in the mail. that will be here in 2 weeks
    want to run test-e @ 400mg/week for 11 weeks.

    question is can i stay on the d-bol till my test gets here and jump right into the test, or do i have to cycle off the d-bol and treat it as 2 separate cycles?

    the cycle would look like this:
    week 1-7 d-bol @ 25-40mg/day
    week 8-19 test-e @400mg/week
    then close out w nolva for pct.

    is that length of a cycle dangerous?

    thank you

  2. #2
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    That is probably the worst designed and thought out cycle i have seen in a while. My advice stop everything now and jump straight onto pct.

    Btw what are your full stats? Height? Weight? Bf%? Diet?

  3. #3
    Grunt01 is offline New Member
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    thats the prob; i want to stop the d-bol, but i dont have my pct yet its coming with the test in 2 weeks.

    im 5'4" started @ 141lbs now 152lbs @ 15%bf
    diet: 2 protien shakes a day @70grams protien each
    lots of cheese, chop meat, chicken,steak all grilled. stay away from breads as much as possible. I find it hard to eat as much as I do but i am trying

    thanks for the quick reply

  4. #4
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    My advice is start the pct asap and stop using steroids all together. You have a lot to learn before using steroids. It's a massive life decision and should not be taken lightly.

  5. #5
    Jman123 is offline Junior Member
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    I agree, I tried to use AAS after training for about a year. Thought I knew a lot, but I knew nothing. Got my diet in check and started lifting more effectively. Now it's two years later after training and eating naturally, I'm going to start my first cycle. I'm about 30 lbs lighter now, but I'm lifting much more than I was then. You should try to eat about six times a day (a shake can count). Your shakes should only be about 40-50 grams of protein each, especially since you only way just over 150. I wouldn't be eating too much cheese, some is good as the saturated fat will boost your test but too much will make you gain fat. I would suggest adding in plenty of complex carbs during the day (brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats) and some good healthy fats later in the evening and night (walnuts, almonds, even some peanut butter).

    Sounds like you haven't been lifting that long. Try reaching your natural potential before you consider AAS.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    That is probably the worst designed and thought out cycle i have seen in a while. My advice stop everything now and jump straight onto pct.

    Btw what are your full stats? Height? Weight? Bf%? Diet?

    you need to be intelligent about your aas useage. how do you know your PCT won't get lost in the mail? or confiscated?

    Rule #1 Always wait until you have everything you need to cycle and pct before you begin.

    Rule #2 Always include test in every cycle, right from the start.

  7. #7
    slimshady01's Avatar
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    you need to be intelligent about your aas useage. how do you know your PCT won't get lost in the mail? or confiscated?

    Rule #1 Always wait until you have everything you need to cycle and pct before you begin.

    Rule #2 Always include test in every cycle, right from the start.
    tru dat....its commom sense to wait to you get everything in hand before starting a cycle....but starting dbol by itself with out test...very dumb

  9. #9
    Grunt01 is offline New Member
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    good advice times roman; never even thought of that. truth is im going to cali, India, then Afghanistan and wanted to get a cycle in before i go. Just took some dumb advice from a buddy of mine here in the army who has been using AAS and bodybuilding for years. the more I am learning these past few weeks the more I realize he should have known better with his extensive history. dont get me wrong, he's a big dude and knows a lot about lifting, but goes about AAS all wrong.


  10. #10
    cb714's Avatar
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    Hey brotha, I would lay off Dbol only cycles. I've asked similar questions before and gotten the same answers. At least you're here asking for advice and that shows a willingness to learn. One piece of advice that I will always remember is DO NOT start your cycle until you have all items in hand. What happens if your stuff doesn't get there. Especially if it's coming from out of the country. I don't know if you live on base or not but you have the extra added bonus of mail getting double checked. If you do try it again, Id wait til everything came in. It sounds like you're a newb like myself so I would stick with Test E @ 500mg per week (split them in to two 250mg shots). i plan on doing this cycle at least twice maybe three times before even considering stacking with something else.

    One more thing... even though you're 5'4" you still seem a little light to be starting a cycle because 141 lbs at 15% bf put you at about 105 lbs lean. Not talking shit but just trying to give you some constructive criticism. Good luck bro... hope your PCT gets there. Dont forget you can always order clomid from the sponsor up above in case your nolva doesnt come in. (last resort)

  11. #11
    PK-V's Avatar
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  12. #12
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    REsearch first before you put all this crap in your body... Your cycle is awful dude. You need to read all the STICKY threads for this forum and then maybe you will see why you have made a big mistake. Testosterone base is a MUST in all cycles and Dbols are usually run as a kick start to the cycle since the TEst only kicks in at week 4 or so(If is a long ester). You need to research on how to do it right so you dont harm yourself and lose everything you gained once you are done.

  13. #13
    Grunt01 is offline New Member
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    Yeah dude ur right. I'm a noob not dumb by any means just followed some poor advice. I'm just sick of being the little guy and wanted something to give me s lil boost. It's hard putting on muscle especially with as much running they make you do in the infantry. And no I live off post with my wife and kids and have a po box as well. Well at least I learn from my mistakes.

  14. #14
    Grunt01 is offline New Member
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    One more question. D-Bol got my bench up to 190x3. Up from 130x1. Will I completely lose that strength all even w proper pct?
    Last edited by Grunt01; 07-19-2011 at 09:25 PM. Reason: Typo

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