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Thread: dmso, uses other than fina?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    dmso, uses other than fina?

    been hearing lots lately about folks getting raw powder steroid bases, instead of making it injectable like fina, could you simply mix 'any' chemical with DMSO and administer it the same way? i guess my question is, does DMSO suspend ANYTHING? what can or cant you use with DMSO? any insight is appreciated...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    some chemical breakdowns of steroids are different sizes, i forget what fina is, but I think var is 17,

    basicaly some drugs wont absorb when in the skin due to size of the molecule,

    unless ive lost my mind,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    I think Iron is dead on about the size of the molecules, all the DMSO in the world won't make something that is too big fit into your open pores.


  4. #4
    Basically anything without an ester or methyl/17aa group will work wonderfully in a transdermal. This included test, nandrolone, boldenone, and primo BASES. Anything with an ester will give poor delivery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    well tren has the acetate ester, why does it work? acetate is a small ester, by deduction wouldn't propionate work? or any short ester for that matter?

  6. #6
    Originally posted by djdjdjddjon
    well tren has the acetate ester, why does it work? acetate is a small ester, by deduction wouldn't propionate work? or any short ester for that matter?
    yes, it would work but the larger the molecule the worse the delivery. I suggest removal of the acetate ester for tren as it DOES make a difference. Its easy to remove the ester, red devil lye (sodium hydroxide) and a solvent and you are set.

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