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  1. #1
    Cloust is offline New Member
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    Did the old school BBers all suffered from erectile disfunction ?

    They cycled mainly Primo, Deca and DBol , right ? Aren't they quite heavy in terms of surpressing test production ?? If so, how the oldschool BBers managed to get down with the ladies ? Because I remeber reading about one story or another ( especially from Arnold ), that they used to get a lot of girls ( like that story he once told that a girl came to the gym and had an orgy with the BBers at the time )

  2. #2
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    They probably ran a 24-7 - 365 cycle so they probably never experienced ED, but they are all probably on TRT now.

  3. #3
    Cloust is offline New Member
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    Oh so as long as they were on there were no problems ?

  4. #4
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i'm a deca and dball and there is no problem...every morning i wake up with a rock hard erection and I'm 40!

  5. #5
    TheClinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    i'm a deca and dball and there is no problem...every morning i wake up with a rock hard erection and I'm 40!
    Deen54 be honest! In your other post you just posted that you are experiencing the possible onset of prolactin gyno. Be real amigo

  6. #6
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    yea so does that equate to me not being able to get guys are all textbook with no real life experience..
    the world isn't a text book...i told u everyone is comprised of a unique biochemistry..we can't be lumped into one pool.

    i am the guy who is doing dball and deca guys aren't so you can't speak of don't know what you are talking about..... i am the real life experienced person here..not a text book..

  7. #7
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i wouldn't be making shit up just to sound cool...i'm 40 not 19...if i have erectile problems i will be the first to post it...because i will be seeking all the help i can get.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
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    primo isnt regarded as 'heavy' and you'll never know what they ran and how they ran it

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    yea so does that equate to me not being able to get guys are all textbook with no real life experience..
    the world isn't a text book...i told u everyone is comprised of a unique biochemistry..we can't be lumped into one pool.

    i am the guy who is doing dball and guys aren't so you can't speak of don't know what you are talking about..... i am the real life experienced person here..not a text book..
    sweeping analysis there...........

  10. #10
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloust View Post
    Oh so as long as they were on there were no problems ?
    No seriously I could see a lot of potential health issues with staying on 24-7. (let me retract that statement I'm sure most of them didn't go 24-7 365 cycles) Those BB'ers that got down with the ladies may have been on cycle when they were getting down and could have experienced issues when off cycle since there was no pct in those days that I'm aware of. Just because their natty test production may have been inhibited wouldn't stop their ability to get the act done while on cycle. Besides the test they were inputting on cycle was replacing the test their body wasn't and then some. We need some old timers to tell us that though.
    Last edited by Shol'va; 07-19-2011 at 09:57 PM.

  11. #11
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    primo isnt regarded as 'heavy' and you'll never know what they ran and how they ran it
    Primo is regarded as "pus sy"

    I cant really comment on how well Arnold's dick worked back in the day.. I have no idea. But dbol makes me horny and hard, also tears up my stomach bad

  12. #12
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    no one here has done a dball and deca only cycle... i am doing it... i'm going to up my dballs tomorrow from 25 to 30mg
    and run nolva along side it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    no one here has done a dball and deca only cycle... i am doing it... i'm going to up my dballs tomorrow from 25 to 30mg
    and run nolva along side it.
    who do you think you are?!
    fyi i have and fyi, im guessing its a big reason im now on trt. you say you're 40yrs old? get a grip.

    wait this says it all, strangely theres a quote from you on here stated that you cant recover anymore.............
    why come on other threads and talk crap when we can see all your other posts complaining about recovery???? hmmm, someone's intelligence is starting to shine through

    and mate, its DBOL , not DBALL
    Last edited by dec11; 07-19-2011 at 10:15 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Primo is regarded as "pus sy"

    I cant really comment on how well Arnold's dick worked back in the day.. I have no idea. But dbol makes me horny and hard, also tears up my stomach bad

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    OP is only 17! Please do NOT give him any intel on why he can justify aas useage at such an early age.

    We should be discouraging him, not encouraging him!!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    yea so does that equate to me not being able to get guys are all textbook with no real life experience..
    the world isn't a text book...i told u everyone is comprised of a unique biochemistry..we can't be lumped into one pool.

    i am the guy who is doing dball and guys aren't so you can't speak of don't know what you are talking about..... i am the real life experienced person here..not a text book..
    I beg to differ. Our biochemistry is very much similar, and very little unique.

  17. #17
    ProBody. is offline New Member
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    laughed so hard at this dball guy

  18. #18
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
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    your dick will shrivel up, your balls will go inside your body, you will grow a vagina. take test with your cycles

  19. #19
    Cloust is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    OP is only 17! Please do NOT give him any intel on why he can justify aas useage at such an early age.

    We should be discouraging him, not encouraging him!!
    Calm down, Roman, I never said I would take them at such an early age, I know it's to soon, and I'm far from where I want to reach naturally, so there's still a long path for me until I find the need to use the AAS. Also, with the AAS, I would need a big compromise with changing my life style all around, and I don't want to waste my late teen years worrying about my blood levels and kidney levels, I just want to chill. I didn't start the thread because I was afraid my little guy wouldn't get up. I started it because it's a question I always had in my mind.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloust View Post
    Calm down, Roman, I never said I would take them at such an early age, I know it's to soon, and I'm far from where I want to reach naturally, so there's still a long path for me until I find the need to use the AAS. Also, with the AAS, I would need a big compromise with changing my life style all around, and I don't want to waste my late teen years worrying about my blood levels and kidney levels, I just want to chill. I didn't start the thread because I was afraid my little guy wouldn't get up. I started it because it's a question I always had in my mind.
    you shouldnt even have an account here, over 18's only

  21. #21
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    ive run deca /winny by itself 2 times,, one of the best cycles i ever done,, but that doesnt mean i would recommend it to anyone

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    who do you think you are?!
    fyi i have and fyi, im guessing its a big reason im now on trt. you say you're 40yrs old? get a grip.

    wait this says it all, strangely theres a quote from you on here stated that you cant recover anymore.............
    why come on other threads and talk crap when we can see all your other posts complaining about recovery???? hmmm, someone's intelligence is starting to shine through

    and mate, its DBOL, not DBALL

  23. #23
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    I was talking about thist last night.

    I remember reading that really Arnold and the others in his time were taking Dbot and Test, thats really about it, They were taking way less then us or when the did do cycles of large dosage it was for 6-8 weeks tops, no 10-12 weeks bs. I remember reading somewhere that the normal Dbol dosage was 50mg a day and the max was 75 but a running average back then was 25mg. By todays standards taht was nothing, i am sure some idiots had to deal with test shut down when they went nuts in the later years but what I was told is they either ran low and longer cycles or high and quick cycles.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    I was talking about thist last night.

    I remember reading that really Arnold and the others in his time were taking Dbot and Test, thats really about it, They were taking way less then us or when the did do cycles of large dosage it was for 6-8 weeks tops, no 10-12 weeks bs. I remember reading somewhere that the normal Dbol dosage was 50mg a day and the max was 75 but a running average back then was 25mg. By todays standards taht was nothing, i am sure some idiots had to deal with test shut down when they went nuts in the later years but what I was told is they either ran low and longer cycles or high and quick cycles.
    you need to educate yourself, long ester tests only begin to kick in at 5-6wks and im sure they used long esters as well as short. no one will ever know what they took, its a speculative crap you're reading

  25. #25
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    Evidently whatever Arnold took, didn't keep him from multiplying.....
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    no one here has done a dball and deca only cycle... i am doing it... i'm going to up my dballs tomorrow from 25 to 30mg
    and run nolva along side it.
    This is a highly inaccurate statement. In fact when I first got into this game this was a very popular cycle and many would run clomid, not nolva, alongside. There is a reason this combo is no longer run very often - because it is known there are better options. However many , including myself , have run the very cycle you are and made gains. Doesnt mean its the best way to go given the things we know now...and no offense but you are far from a maverick running this combo. At one time id even venture to say this was one of, if not the most popular cycle. Now its an old and imo outdated cycle - for a reason.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    yea so does that equate to me not being able to get guys are all textbook with no real life experience..
    the world isn't a text book...i told u everyone is comprised of a unique biochemistry..we can't be lumped into one pool.

    i am the guy who is doing dball and guys aren't so you can't speak of don't know what you are talking about..... i am the real life experienced person here..not a text book..
    sorry to burst your bubble but this forum is based on ysers input based on real life experience. Science is science bro. Thats like saying getting shot in the head isnt deadly beacuse one out of ten survive.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    who do you think you are?!
    fyi i have and fyi, im guessing its a big reason im now on trt. you say you're 40yrs old? get a grip.

    wait this says it all, strangely theres a quote from you on here stated that you cant recover anymore.............
    why come on other threads and talk crap when we can see all your other posts complaining about recovery???? hmmm, someone's intelligence is starting to shine through

    and mate, its DBOL, not DBALL
    I read that thread and this guy is a troll or just a 20 yr old kid lying about his age. Its like hes running deca and dbol together just ot prove something. Theres no logica reason you would not use test in a cycle... just wait till dean 54 gets off cycle and shrinks back to his anorexic tweeker weight at a whopping 138lbs lol what a joke

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I read that thread and this guy is a troll or just a 20 yr old kid lying about his age. Its like hes running deca and dbol together just ot prove something. Theres no logica reason you would not use test in a cycle... just wait till dean 54 gets off cycle and shrinks back to his anorexic tweeker weight at a whopping 138lbs lol what a joke
    yeah, i reckon hes a messer alright, sounds like hes 14

  30. #30
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    well i'm 40 so this was popular back in the day. We didn't do pct..we didn't know about pct. Basically when we came off
    we came off and that was the end of it...we lost our gains...but accepted it.. but having erectile problems..i was in my 20's
    i never had an issue...the brain sends a signal that you are no longer producing and the hypothalmus realizes this and tells testes to start producing simple as that. The body is smart. It doesn't need you to tell it hey..i need more goes in auto on it's own. Now a days yes you can do a pct and make things work quicker. nothing wrong with that. I have tried test and all the things you guys are trying. Nothing will beat the dball deca for mass. That's why i went back to it. I didn't add test. Don't need it ...oh and btw last night i woke up with another erection.... I look at you guys and you lack quality. I'm 40 and look better than more than half of lack vascularity and you mostly fat and water...just big but no strength, no power..I'm 150 and i bench 195lbs for reps... that's more than way more than my body weight. Many of you can't say the same.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    well i'm 40 so this was popular back in the day. We didn't do pct..we didn't know about pct. Basically when we came off
    we came off and that was the end of it...we lost our gains...but accepted it.. but having erectile problems..i was in my 20's
    i never had an issue...the brain sends a signal that you are no longer producing and the hypothalmus realizes this and tells testes to start producing simple as that. The body is smart. It doesn't need you to tell it hey..i need more goes in auto on it's own. Now a days yes you can do a pct and make things work quicker. nothing wrong with that. I have tried test and all the things you guys are trying. Nothing will beat the dball deca for mass. That's why i went back to it. I didn't add test. Don't need it ...oh and btw last night i woke up with another erection.... I look at you guys and you lack quality. I'm 40 and look better than more than half of lack vascularity and you mostly fat and water...just big but no strength, no power..I'm 150 and i bench 195lbs for reps... that's more than way more than my body weight. Many of you can't say the same.
    Deen I am 180lbs and rep 280lbs. Get over yourself buddy.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by deen54 View Post
    well i'm 40 so this was popular back in the day. We didn't do pct..we didn't know about pct. Basically when we came off
    we came off and that was the end of it...we lost our gains...but accepted it.. But having erectile problems..i was in my 20's
    i never had an issue...the brain sends a signal that you are no longer producing and the hypothalmus realizes this and tells testes to start producing simple as that. The body is smart. It doesn't need you to tell it hey..i need more goes in auto on it's own. Now a days yes you can do a pct and make things work quicker. Nothing wrong with that. I have tried test and all the things you guys are trying. Nothing will beat the dball deca for mass. That's why i went back to it. I didn't add test. Don't need it ...oh and btw last night i woke up with another erection.... I look at you guys and you lack quality. I'm 40 and look better than more than half of lack vascularity and you mostly fat and water...just big but no strength, no power..i'm 150 and i bench 195lbs for reps... That's more than way more than my body weight. Many of you can't say the same.
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  33. #33
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    I will do my best not rage like my last post.....Deen54 your a classic example of "Napoleon Complex". When I was 12 I weighed as much as you. When I was 10 I was as tall as you. Come over and I will eat you for one of my meals.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    well i'm 40 so this was popular back in the day. We didn't do pct..we didn't know about pct. Basically when we came off
    we came off and that was the end of it...we lost our gains...but accepted it.. but having erectile problems..i was in my 20's
    i never had an issue...the brain sends a signal that you are no longer producing and the hypothalmus realizes this and tells testes to start producing simple as that. The body is smart. It doesn't need you to tell it hey..i need more goes in auto on it's own. Now a days yes you can do a pct and make things work quicker. nothing wrong with that. I have tried test and all the things you guys are trying. Nothing will beat the dball deca for mass. That's why i went back to it. I didn't add test. Don't need it ...oh and btw last night i woke up with another erection.... I look at you guys and you lack quality. I'm 40 and look better than more than half of lack vascularity and you mostly fat and water...just big but no strength, no power..I'm 150 and i bench 195lbs for reps... that's more than way more than my body weight. Many of you can't say the same.

    WOW u just put ur foot right in your mouth buddy. Id suggest if ur on a cycle and thats what ur lifting u better reevaluate some stuff real quick. Not to mention weighing 150lbs, whats your hight? Please tell me its not 5'7'" like u have in ur info Hopeing its 4'7" and u made a type O.
    Last edited by Mr Tick; 07-20-2011 at 12:29 PM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    well i'm 40 so this was popular back in the day. We didn't do pct..we didn't know about pct. Basically when we came off
    we came off and that was the end of it...we lost our gains...but accepted it.. but having erectile problems..i was in my 20's
    i never had an issue...the brain sends a signal that you are no longer producing and the hypothalmus realizes this and tells testes to start producing simple as that. The body is smart. It doesn't need you to tell it hey..i need more goes in auto on it's own. Now a days yes you can do a pct and make things work quicker. nothing wrong with that. I have tried test and all the things you guys are trying. Nothing will beat the dball deca for mass. That's why i went back to it. I didn't add test. Don't need it ...oh and btw last night i woke up with another erection.... I look at you guys and you lack quality. I'm 40 and look better than more than half of lack vascularity and you mostly fat and water...just big but no strength, no power..I'm 150 and i bench 195lbs for reps... that's more than way more than my body weight. Many of you can't say the same.
    oh def one for the hall of shame lol.

    @ 155lbs body weight and aged 18 i was benching 195lb for 10reps as my warm up lol
    man you're a seriously misguided individual, thts if your not a time wasting troll

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    I will do my best not rage like my last post.....Deen54 your a classic example of "Napoleon Complex". When I was 12 I weighed as much as you. When I was 10 I was as tall as you. Come over and I will eat you for one of my meals.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    well i'm 40 so this was popular back in the day. We didn't do pct..we didn't know about pct. Basically when we came off
    we came off and that was the end of it...we lost our gains...but accepted it.. but having erectile problems..i was in my 20's
    i never had an issue...the brain sends a signal that you are no longer producing and the hypothalmus realizes this and tells testes to start producing simple as that. The body is smart. It doesn't need you to tell it hey..i need more goes in auto on it's own. Now a days yes you can do a pct and make things work quicker. nothing wrong with that. I have tried test and all the things you guys are trying. Nothing will beat the dball deca for mass. That's why i went back to it. I didn't add test. Don't need it ...oh and btw last night i woke up with another erection.... I look at you guys and you lack quality. I'm 40 and look better than more than half of lack vascularity and you mostly fat and water...just big but no strength, no power..I'm 150 and i bench 195lbs for reps... that's more than way more than my body weight. Many of you can't say the same.
    Where are you getting your info? last time i checked you were sucked up at 138 lbs and couldnt put on muscle mass naturally (which you just told us was your goal hence dbol and deca cycle) So get off your high horse and realize that in fact before any of us used aas we looked better then you do while on aas. You have made it clear that you can make no gains on your own without aas so either your diet is terrible (which from your last thread it seemed obvious) and or your training is bogus. wither way 100 guys are telling you whats up and you refuse to believe it no matter how much documentaion you get. I say get off the board and quit posting because you offer no value here and obvioulsy see no value in are verteran members and theyre experiences and knowlege. Before aas you had the muscle mass of a 12 yr old boy so except the facts and move on

  38. #38
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    I def agree with dec11 and say deens post enter the hall of shame!!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I def agree with dec11 and say deens post enter the hall of shame!!

  40. #40
    CLAYWILKES is offline New Member
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    My father was a big lifter in the 80's and has been open with me about it. I asked him if he had any problems with getting an oak and he said "no, the problem was that I couldn't stop chasing women, everything was too good to go" I lol'd
    This is only one person though.. But I do know his entire lengthy cycle history including a long period of time that he took Dbol only (bad idea).

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