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    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Anyone successfully come off TRT?

    Last week I had my test checked and it was at 400 with a range of 300-1080. Today I went to a new GP, she said she wants another blood test in a week then she wants to send me to an Endo to confirm she isn't missing anything then if that is the case she wants to put me on TRT.

    I am fine with it if 1) It works at raising my test levels back to optimum range and 2) once I reach optimum range I can ween off it and it will stay at optimum range.

    Has anyone had this luck? and has anyone been able to do a cycle or cycles post the TRT?

    If so please add your personal experiences or will I be stuck on TRT for life?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    for life mate.
    i put myself on trt 18mths ago because i couldnt recover and was getting desperate, i had been considering coming off but when i look back and rem the darkness that was low/no test im afraid to. im now being monitored by my doc and she lets me know where my bloods are at, im still responsible for my own test and trt though but thankfully she takes away shooting in the dark.
    i'd say stay with it
    Last edited by dec11; 07-19-2011 at 10:25 PM.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    TRT is for life unless you have a thyroid problem that can be corrected with diet or other drugs/therapy.
    There is no weening off of TRT. Your levels will go up, you will be at a normal/high level but once you stop it goes down because your have been replacing your natural test production, not adding to it. When you get on TRT your body stops producing Test because it detects the new test and stops production. It's not you are 400 now and you can add 400 to it with TRT.

    Read up in the HRT forum.

  4. #4
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Can you have kids while on trt, will it effect having children?

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    Lots of people have kids/babies on TRT and on cycle. No go read up on the HRT forum and read the stickies, it will answer all/most of your questions.

  6. #6
    cb714's Avatar
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    Ive been on TRT, now im on cycle but will go back to TRT when cycle is done. My testosterone was in the 120 range. Everyone reacts differently to it. I noticed my belly kept getting bigger no matter how much I exercised and I was always tired. I would fall asleep at work. I just felt exhausted all day long. What was weird is that I was always still horny like a MF and had no problems performing in bed.

    As soon as I got on TRT it was like night and day. Belly went down quite fast and I felt energetic with a positive, happy attitude all day long. From what my doc tells me it's not something that can be corrected. Your body, for whatever reason, is just producing less testosterone. It just happens with age but some get it younger than others. Im still in my 30s. By adding something like androgel or test c, it is just raising your test levels to normal range, it does NOT correct the problem.

    I'll disagree with the above statement that it shuts you down though. The dose is small, your testicles stay remain functional... or at least as functional as they were beforehand. Example... Taking the max dosage of Androgel, which is 10 grams of gel = approximately 100mg of test getting absorbed per week. Which would equal your 200mg test c you would get prescribed. That puts you in the high-normal range. As long as your levels dont get super high and stays within the normal range, your body will not shut you down. This is from my doctors mouth and also from Abbott Labs (maker of androgel).

    400 is low but not too bad bro... unless of course you are experiencing symptoms of low T. You can try some natural alternatives if you dont want to be on TRT. I hear a combination of ZMA and Tribulus works for SOME people. Try it out. I've even heard of people using HCG to boost their test levels however I dont know if the elevated levels stick after the HCG wears off.

    Oh one more thing... there may be other factors making you have low T. If you drink excessively it can cause your T to drop. Liver problems have also been associated with low T. There is also a strong correlation between high cholesterol and low T... also diabetes and low T. Maybe you have another issue that if addressed, will correct your T levels. Get a full physical bro. You never now what you may find.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-20-2011 at 12:36 PM.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Really? Well those stupid doctors. Maybe they need to change the name from TRT/HRT = Thryoid REPLACEMENT Therapy/Hormone REPLACEMENT Therapy to something like supplementing therapy? No on 2nd though maybe you should also read more about TRT/HRT

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    TRT doesn't raise your natural test to optimum levels, it shuts down your naturally low test and replaces it with a normal amount of testosterone which will hopefully stop your symptoms of low test.

    You do not ween yourself off TRT, its for life because your natural test isn't high enough and is causing your issues/health problems.

    You can cycle on TRT without any problems, no need for PCT just drop back down to TRT dose.

    Some guys don't have a problem with having children on TRT but other's do, I don't think anyone 100% can say you will be fine because there is a % what can't but the majority seem to be fine.

    Ive been on TRT for many years and I feel great and have never felt better, the symptoms of low test for me were horrific and it was like living in hell each time I woke up, being on TRT makes me feel like in my 20's and aids my everyday life for the better.

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    trt is a lifetime commitment. there is no weaning off. if you are not ready for that, then do not go on trt

    Just out of curiosity, how old are you? you never updated your profile with that information...

  10. #10
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Cb714, I have the same sides as you, gaining weight even on restricted diet, exercise as much as my body will let me even though I can barely bust out 20 minutes of cardio some days, always tired, dose off behind the wheel on the way home, I am still semi horny and can get it up and keep it up but I just overall feel foggy and fatigued.

    My boy works at Abbott and that was the first thing that he thought that I had low test. I didn't want to believe it. I don't want to test the waters with trying to naturally boost my test if it is going to adversely affect my newest blood test coming up. Pretty much you feel exactly like I do.

    I do not drink at all, no liver problems, cholesterol is what it should be for a 24 year old! Only thing that was odd was low WBC count and low platelet count too.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Ive been on TRT, now im on cycle but will go back to TRT when cycle is done. My testosterone was in the 120 range. Everyone reacts differently to it. I noticed my belly kept getting bigger no matter how much I exercised and I was always tired. I would fall asleep at work. I just felt exhausted all day long. What was weird is that I was always still horny like a MF and had no problems performing in bed.

    As soon as I got on TRT it was like night and day. Belly went down quite fast and I felt energetic with a positive, happy attitude all day long. From what my doc tells me it's not something that can be corrected. Your body, for whatever reason, is just producing less testosterone. It just happens with age but some get it younger than others. Im still in my 30s. By adding something like androgel or test c just raising your test levels to normal range, it does not correct the problem.

    I'll disagree with the above statement that it shuts you down though. The dose is small, your testicles stay remain functional... or at least as functional as they were beforehand. Example... Taking the max dosage of Androgel, which is 8 grams of gel = approximately 100mg of test getting absorbed per week. Which would equal your 200mg test c you would get prescribed. That puts you in the high-normal range. As long as your levels dont get super high and stays within the normal range, your body will not shut you down. This is from my doctors mouth and also from Abbott Labs (maker of androgel).

    400 is low but not too bad bro... unless of course you are experiencing symptoms of low T. You can try some natural alternatives if you dont want to be on TRT. I hear a combination of ZMA and Tribulus works for some people. Try it out. I've even heard of people using HCG to boost their test levels however I dont know if the elevated levels stick after the HCG wears off.

    Oh one more thing... there may be other factors making you have low T. If you drink excessively it can cause your T to drop. Liver problems have also been associated with low T. There is also a strong correlation between high cholesterol and low T... also diabetes and low T. Maybe you have another issue that if addressed, will correct your T levels. Get a full physical bro. You never now what you may find.
    then you dont know what you're talking about pal, and its counter productive giving someone false hope

  12. #12
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    trt is a lifetime commitment. there is no weaning off. if you are not ready for that, then do not go on trt

    Just out of curiosity, how old are you? you never updated your profile with that information...
    I am 34....

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    Cb714, I have the same sides as you, gaining weight even on restricted diet, exercise as much as my body will let me even though I can barely bust out 20 minutes of cardio some days, always tired, dose off behind the wheel on the way home, I am still semi horny and can get it up and keep it up but I just overall feel foggy and fatigued.

    My boy works at Abbott and that was the first thing that he thought that I had low test. I didn't want to believe it. I don't want to test the waters with trying to naturally boost my test if it is going to adversely affect my newest blood test coming up. Pretty much you feel exactly like I do.

    I do not drink at all, no liver problems, cholesterol is what it should be for a 24 year old! Only thing that was odd was low WBC count and low platelet count too.
    mate, take no notice of that guy's post, he doesnt know what hes talking about. and gels are crap period

  14. #14
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Lots of people have kids/babies on TRT and on cycle. No go read up on the HRT forum and read the stickies, it will answer all/most of your questions.
    Reading the HRT INFo 1-3. Very interesting stuff so far

  15. #15
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    mate, take no notice of that guy's post, he doesnt know what hes talking about. and gels are crap period
    I know the Gels are crap, I hard it works for about 10% of users. I told my doc if she has to put me on TRT I do not want to waste my time with the gel, she didn't seem to be against it at all. Now to see if my insurance will cover the TRT considering I have a crappy HMO.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    Reading the HRT INFo 1-3. Very interesting stuff so far
    yeah mate, get in the trt section, you'll get accurate advice in there from guys who know the score and wont bullshit you

  17. #17
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    IM 35 and thinking of putting myself on TRT. I have no sex drive when not running gear never really have unless something really excites me beyond belief. This is something that has plagued me long before i ran cycles too. When im on cycle i feel normal, me and my wife have sex all the time. when im off i can go months without sex as i just could care less. My wife wants me to as well because she feels like shit when i dont want anything to do with her..

    I believe test can keep my marriage healthy and even save it.

  18. #18
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    ^^^Slim I saw your post I think that Test saved your marriage....well I hope it works for me cause right now my workouts are for shit. I went from benching 250 to 180 in the matter of 3 months and I can pound out 1 day of cardio and when I go back the enxt day I feel like I am going to fall off the machine. By the time I leave the office I am dozing off behind the wheel.

  19. #19
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    IM 35 and thinking of putting myself on TRT. I have no sex drive when not running gear never really have unless something really excites me beyond belief. This is something that has plagued me long before i ran cycles too. When im on cycle i feel normal, me and my wife have sex all the time. when im off i can go months without sex as i just could care less. My wife wants me to as well because she feels like shit when i dont want anything to do with her..

    I believe test can keep my marriage healthy and even save it.
    i went through that also, wasnt pleasant

  20. #20
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    some people react favorably to elevating test levels for a short period of time and then stopping. IE.. say your at 300 ng average and doc gets you up to 1000ng for a month or so, some people will come off and stay higher than they were before naturally. This prb doesnt apply to people with low test through use of aas. ive been prescribed patch, shots and now the gel. Im waiting for my insurance to clear me for the pellets. My main concern is keeping up the sex drive so the low dose gel works for me.

  21. #21
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    I heard the pellets and gel/patch are a big waste of time. 90% end up just taking shots.

  22. #22
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
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    For those on TRT is that a very expensive adventure? Was wondering if Insurance would even cover that.

  23. #23
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Hard question to answer, it's all dependent on your coverage, some cover and it's cheap, some cover and it's no real savings, some just do a try dosage but get the Test C or E on their own and just use the doc or endo for blood monitoring

  24. #24
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    For those on TRT is that a very expensive adventure? Was wondering if Insurance would even cover that.
    I'm on TRT and mine covers all blood tests & meds except for HCG . Guess they dont consider HCG a needed component of TRT. The only real expense is my Dr. I go to a specialist that charges a yearly fee not covered by Health Insurance...

  25. #25
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    How the hell am I bullshiting?

    I am on it right now. What I am saying is exactly what my doctor is telling me. Im just passing along information. If I am saying something wrong PLEASE correct me instead of saying Im talking shit. What am I saying wrong?

    Gels arent crap. Gels give you a steady dose of Testosterone all day long. Is it as effective as a shot. NO. but I never said it was. Gel worked fine for me and countless others. Is it a body building dose. NO.. but it does get you to normal levels, which is the point of this entire thread, no?

    How am I giving him false hope???? by asking if something else may be causing his low T??? I said he should go get a full physical and get checked out which is probably the best advise get can listen to!!!

    Another thing... if you dont believe me about SMALL dosages of TRT not shutting you down, ask an endo or a qualified physician and see what they say. Unless you are already shutdown it WILL NOT shut you down at the PROPER DOSAGE.

    Now if you can prove me wrong on this with a valid source I will shut up and admit I was wrong on this one and then go straight to my insurance company and change doctors.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-20-2011 at 12:20 PM.

  26. #26
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    I have read like 4-5 studies now showing how gels and patches are not as good as the shot, one test even showed dosage versus an assumed uptake in the body and showed that the most concentrated way out of the three is the shot.

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    The price really depends on your insurance. I only pay $15 for androgel with insurance and a discount card. They don't cover my Test C prescription though for my particular diagnosis which is low T. In my case, I have to come out of pocket on that one. It's actually cheaper getting it through a dealer than through the pharmacy.@

    @jtuner77... If you they give you the gel and it doesnt work for you then Im sure theyll give you a prescription for Test C, probably 200mg biweekly. I have had both and personally prefer the shot because it is less of a hassle than rubbing that crap on you, making sure you dont touch anyone, keeping your laundry separate from everyone else's...etc Its a bitch. The worst is when the wifey wants to have sex and I have to tell her "hold on, let me take a quick shower to wash this shit off"... that just ruins the moment.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-20-2011 at 12:30 PM.

  28. #28
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    ^^^This is the other reason I will ask for the shot versus the gel.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post

    How the hell am I bullshiting?

    I am on it right now. What I am saying is exactly what my doctor is telling me. Im just passing along information. If I am saying something wrong PLEASE correct me instead of saying Im talking shit. What am I saying wrong?

    Gels arent crap. Gels give you a steady dose of Testosterone all day long. Is it as effective as a shot. NO. but I never said it was. Gel worked fine for me and countless others. Is it a body building dose. NO.. but it does get you to normal levels, which is the point of this entire thread, no?

    How am I giving him false hope???? by asking if something else may be causing his low T??? I said he should go get a full physical and get checked out which is probably the best advise get can listen to!!!

    Another thing... if you dont believe me about SMALL dosages of TRT not shutting you down, ask an endo or a qualified physician and see what they say. Unless you are already shutdown it WILL NOT shut you down at the PROPER DOSAGE.

    Now if you can prove me wrong on this with a valid source I will shut up and admit I was wrong on this one and then go straight to my insurance company and change doctors.
    The body has a negative feedback loop which regulates the amount of testosterone in your system, if it detects more test it will simply start suppressing your natural Testosterone and eventually will shut down your HPTA. There are studies out there what show as little as 50mgs- 100mgs per week will eventually cause shutdown of your HPTA.

    Gels are old school and even though they are better than nothing but there are far superior forms of HRT out there,

  30. #30
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    have you used the testogel packs? pretty much just alcohol and test.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The body has a negative feedback loop which regulates the amount of testosterone in your system, if it detects more test it will simply start suppressing your natural Testosterone and eventually will shut down your HPTA. There are studies out there what show as little as 50mgs- 100mgs per week will eventually cause shutdown of your HPTA.

    Gels are old school and even though they are better than nothing but there are far superior forms of HRT out there,
    Thank you for the polite reply Marcus.... Its nice to be able to discuss this with someone who disagrees without all the name calling.

    Again, please correct me if I'm wrong... but I've been told that if the amount of testosterone you are taking for replacement therapy doesn't put you over what your body can produce naturally then you remain intact. If this were the case then a 100mg per week of test c would most likely not shut down a person with a test level of 100 but would be more likely to shut down or at least suppress someone with a test level of 450 since the person with 450 is starting off with more to begin with.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-20-2011 at 01:02 PM.

  32. #32
    RoidReaper's Avatar
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    Humph. It was my understanding that the body will always seek equilibrium. Ive heard of people being on cycle for years straight, come off and run an aggressive PCT and have their levels above the 500 range. Maybe everyones diff.

  33. #33
    frytlon is offline Junior Member
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    currently on TRT, and really wouldn't think of coming off. Wouldn't want to face going back.

  34. #34
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    Maybe you're right bro. Maybe everyone is different and it affects everyone differently. It would be nice to actually see several different blood tests of before and after replacement therapy to see if they were truly shut down or not. I doubt anyone wants to come off though just to test this in the name of science... lol. I sure as hell don't.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Thank you for the polite reply Marcus.... Its nice to be able to discuss this with someone who disagrees without all the name calling.

    Again, please correct me if I'm wrong... but I've been told that if the amount of testosterone you are taking for replacement therapy doesn't put you over what your body can produce naturally then you remain intact. If this were the case then a 100mg per week of test c would most likely not shut down a person with a test level of 100 but would be more likely to shut down or at least suppress someone with a test level of 450 since the person with 450 is starting off with more to begin with.
    You can't take replacement testosterone therapy and not get shut down eventually. Your body as a negative feedback loop what regulates testosterone in the body, if its detects testosterone even at low dose you will get suppression of your natural test and eventually shutdown of your HPTA will occur.

  36. #36
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    got it. thank you sir

  37. #37
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    I wish my body naturally produced tren

  38. #38
    nguadagno's Avatar
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    for those on TRT, is it due to poor cycling? too young cycling? or just naturally low testosterone ? very curious, because you guys make it seem like everyone who does AAS ends up on TRT i feel like half or more of the people in this forum are on it

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by nguadagno View Post
    for those on TRT, is it due to poor cycling? too young cycling? or just naturally low testosterone? very curious, because you guys make it seem like everyone who does AAS ends up on TRT i feel like half or more of the people in this forum are on it
    This is usually the case, over the years of cycling, by the time the average "cycler" reaches around age 40, trt is usually administered. Because regardless of how many times you do PCT and recover your system etc. Your still making irreparable damage to your body. Thats why alot of my buddies said once they started AAS they were never going to come off. Not saying thats a smart thing to do. But its pretty much logical.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    For those on TRT is that a very expensive adventure? Was wondering if Insurance would even cover that.
    no, not expensive. Kaiser covers it 100%, if you can get them to prescribe it.

    Even if you have to out of pocket, still cheap

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