Thread: beginners question
07-20-2011, 02:49 PM #1
beginners question
Hi guys new to the forum,45 years old have been training since i was 20,and coaching MMA for the last 10
Height 6ft 1 inch
weight 16 stone 5lb
My Diet is i consider very good and healthy and take all the regular supplements.
for the last 8 weeks have been doing Deca 1ml/100mg for 6 weeks last 2 weeks 2ml/200mg for the sole purpose to heal my elbows which it has done brilliantly.
i know you not supposed to do Deca alone but have no side effects at all and my libido is fine in fact i feel havent done a pct
this was my first cycle ever,I now want to do a test cycle how long do i need to weight to begin this cycle
want to do sustanon 250 (1ml/250mg) 1 shot a week for 8 weeks
any advice please
07-20-2011, 02:59 PM #2Originally Posted by wandfightcompany;5697***
How long has it been since your last deca shot? If you had no libido issues durring the cycle it doesn't mean you wont post cycle. You really should run atleast nolvadex as a precaution..... ESPECIALLY since you're in your 40's. I mean.... if you don't and your body recovers perfectly - thats great..... but in all likelyhood it wont.
Regarding your next planned cycle...... Our general rule of thumb is time on + pct = time off. So you SHOULD wait about 12 weeks before running your next cycle. With that said..... 250mg's of test will yield some results for sure. It's a touch above the TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) dosage that most docs prescribe. I'd prefer 350-400mg's myself for muscle building.
The last thing i'll mention is about sustanon.....specifically the esthers. Sustanon is a blend of testosterones with different esthers. In order to keep blood levels stable..... one should inject it every other day. Since you're dosage is fairly low thats not feasable..... i'd recommend upping the dosage slightly and injecting atleast twice a week. so maybe 3/4cc twice a week.
I would DEFINATELY consider running a pct for the deca cycle but if you are too late for that now then i'd have clomid/nolvadex on hand for PCT after a sust cycle.
good luck,
07-20-2011, 02:59 PM #3
What are you trying to accomplish with 250mg/week of test?
07-20-2011, 04:37 PM #4
07-20-2011, 04:39 PM #5
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