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Thread: 6 week cycle of test prop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    6 week cycle of test prop

    Can get a hold of test prop and feel after much reading on cycle times 6 weeks would be sufficient. My normal weight is 70kg and am currently at 73.8 kgs. Been weight lifting for 5 years. its time to cycle, this just aint happening for me without it.

    not sure how to obtain pct meds but want to learn.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    Mate whats your Hight age and body fat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    If you are 24 (according to your profile) It's recommended to wait till 25 at least. if it's you first cycle, it's a big decision that would change your life forever so don't take it easy and make sure to do tons of research before starting ...

    About your question I think 6 weeks is too short, I saw really good results and gains from week 5. I know prop it's a short easter but for me it took a while to show good results so I would do it for at least 8 weeks.
    if you don't have any problem with EOD injections, prop is a very good choice IMO.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Bro need more stats... I'm pretty sure steroids isn't your problem to gaining weight

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    Iv had grate gains from a 5-6 week cycle using prop everyone is different, 24 isn't young most members here changes the recommended age monthly lol, im 24 and did a few cycles in the past I haven't loged in in a while due to work but the last recommended age by most here was 23. Anyways give us your status mate so we can reply to your question

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    im 5 7" bodyfat is prob around 12-14%, 24 years old. i was eating 3000 clean calories a day, 6 meals a day, i havent had any negative feedback about my diet and my strength was always going up.

    A couple lifts... i do not sacrifice form for weight. i very rarely see anyone in my gym do proper form.

    My military press is 130lbs for 5 reps

    flat db press 85lbs for 5 reps

    I plan on doing a 6 week cycle. im not trying to be the biggest or the baddest looking mofo but i deffinately dont want to continue looking average.

    I dont actually plan on doing the cycle until i try one more program for a 3 month stint, if i still dont have solid results then it will begin.
    Last edited by Boxtrot; 07-21-2011 at 04:37 AM.

  7. #7
    I'd go at least 8.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    do alot more research before you start. That being said if you only get enough for 6 weeks your gonna wish you had more

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    I do 7 week cycles and by week 6 I'm doing great. U will be fine, are you gonna do Ed shots? That's what I did.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    First make sure your diet is in check.

    Then make sure your gym routine is in check.

    Then go get some blood work done.

    While doing all of the above, read read read read read... the more you know the better. This forum has a wealth of information at your disposal. PCT stuff is easy to get. Make sure your gear is coming from a legit source and I cannot say it enough... READ, for your own good so you make the right decisions. Whenever you do feel ready and have all of the above down, start with Test Enanthate or Test Cyp since you only have to inject twice a week. Good luck brotha, be safe.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Diet and routine is in check, my body just does not like to gain much muscle or hold on to muscle. i've found i look better after a 2 month bulk then i do at 4 months, my body just seems to stop gaining muscle and wants to put on fat. i weigh all my food.

    Ill need to get erectile dysfunction shots will i?

    Ok well made a new decision on cycle time. it will be 8 weeks.

    can only get a hold of test prop. its my only avenue or oral dbol which i dont think i want to do.

    the gear is legit i know the person who is getting it for me has used it himself, he gained 22kgs but started at 70kg at 6 4" and still looks small lol poor him.

    if baldness comes from mums side, i am a bit worried.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxtrot View Post
    im 5 7" bodyfat is prob around 12-14%, 24 years old. i was eating 3000 clean calories a day, 6 meals a day, i havent had any negative feedback about my diet and my strength was always going up.

    A couple lifts... i do not sacrifice form for weight. i very rarely see anyone in my gym do proper form.

    My military press is 130lbs for 5 reps

    flat db press 85lbs for 5 reps

    I plan on doing a 6 week cycle. im not trying to be the biggest or the baddest looking mofo but i deffinately dont want to continue looking average.

    I dont actually plan on doing the cycle until i try one more program for a 3 month stint, if i still dont have solid results then it will begin.
    not to look like an AS*hole but 130lbs for military press and db press of 85 lbs isnt much. you achieve that after less than 1 year in gym. i think u need more time and hard training naturally

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    not to look like an AS*hole but 130lbs for military press and db press of 85 lbs isnt much. you achieve that after less than 1 year in gym. i think u need more time and hard training naturally
    i can take critiscism. i just figure im not tall, i started with 55lb db press and 90lb military, i should have experienced a lot more growth with that kind of strength gain. What i think i need roids for is LEAN muscle gain. i can not seem to gain LEAN muscle let alone much of it. i work with someone the same height as me but he walks around at 7% bf all year round, eats crap and can put on LEAN mass without even dieting just by working out. I have done the hard yards, if i want to be the same as him why wait until im 28 when i can do it now. Even though i feel ill never be anything like him even with roids but i do want to be someone! not average joe with a bit of muscularity, i barely look like i workout i look more like i play basketball or swim.
    Last edited by Boxtrot; 07-21-2011 at 10:45 PM.

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