Cast your vote!
Even better vote, then explain why its the best for you.
Cast your vote!
Even better vote, then explain why its the best for you.
You know this is the gayest thread ever right?
However, test is best.
Everyone who doesn't wish to share, don't bother writing. Putting me on blast is just causing the tires to spin.
Your points been noted. How hard can it be to add to the poll without?
At least he includes esters
I love prop
, fast on fast off
easy to adjust dose due to sides
feel it fast
I love pinning Ed makes me work harder cuz I'm injecting before lifting
voted for test e/c, but i really like sustanon better than any single estered testosterone.
test is best
You should have excluded test.
Yeah you need test.But that wasnt the question.Tren is my favorite.Nothing comes close.
Andriol should be there. Thats for real men......just kidding. I easily voted for TREN A . I Think its the seroid that has it all in one package. strength ,size, density, no water retention and not much need for ancillary compounds. I think the gains are more maintainable then many other steroids.I don't believe the sides are all that harsh(for me anyway). And its not rediculously expensive.
Really? Tren requires more ancillaries than just about anything for most, since it increases prolactin and progesterone.
So you need to use some test, but also an AI to keep the estrogen and progesteron under control. And many use a dopamine agonist alongside it. Oh, and it is harsh on lipids, so something for that is a good idea as well.
And lets not forget Tren cough and bronchioconstriction, which can be helped with Albuterol (preferably an inhaler).
And the androgenic value causes acne and hairloss, so there are a few more products you can pick up to minimize that.
I love Tren's effectiveness, but it is a pain in the ass and kills my libido and messes with my moods even at very low doses (175mg/week) when stacked with test.
Now Primo on the other hand, that stacks well with any cycle and does not require any ancillaries at all, which is why it is my favorite (and it is affordable since I brew it myself).
Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-23-2011 at 06:15 PM.
Maybe I am a freak . I have some gyno from puberty and probably always will. Tren actually makes my chest look much better. helps me get that v shape and I think I burn cals better I have never had tren cough or testicular atrophy. I only ran 2 cycles 1 month each 100 mgs eod.. I took nolva once and letro once during a cycle of other crap and my breast got bigger on those compounds . Seriously there might be something out of wack with my endrocine system. . I wish I could have my testicles removed and replaced with an automatic trenbolone pump. I think I would lookand feel better
Test P, duh! Cant touch anything else without a little test in the mix. Its the foundation to every great cycle, and you cant build a mansion without a good foundation! Although I do have a piece of my heart for Tren A as well....
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