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  1. #1
    NewbFromCali's Avatar
    NewbFromCali is offline Junior Member
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    back to the south I go...

    New Cycle Suggestions

    So I just went through a fight with gyno, ED and a dozen other side effects I didn't know how to treat. Now I'm ready to make some mistakes again.
    I have some winny, all the pct crap I could possibly need because I started collecting it once I figured out how hard it was to get my hands on originally and really nothing else.
    I'm prone to gyno. I'm 6'3", 200lbs and lean when I wanna be. I don't want to be big. I want to keep abs. I want to have veins. Gimme some suggestions. Keep in mind I have no clue where to get gear from but I'll figure that out once I know what to take.

  2. #2
    gym_junki's Avatar
    gym_junki is offline Member
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    dont kno
    Mate you need to do little research Plan a cycle and we will help you with it, no one here is going to tell you wat to do when you have no clue. Sorry mate

  3. #3
    NewbFromCali's Avatar
    NewbFromCali is offline Junior Member
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    back to the south I go...
    Well the issue is here is that I keep doing more and more research and NOBODY AGREES ON ANYTHING. This doesn't go with that, that shouldn't be done alone. I can't figure it out. It almost seems like people do cycles to fix their last cycle.
    Dig the pic. Haha.

  4. #4
    NoCompromise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewbFromCali View Post
    So I just went through a fight with gyno, ED and a dozen other side effects I didn't know how to treat. Now I'm ready to make some mistakes again.
    I have some winny, all the pct crap I could possibly need because I st/arted collecting it once I figured out how hard it was to get my hands on originally and really nothing else.
    I'm prone to gyno. I'm 6'3", 200lbs and lean when I wanna be. I don't want to be big. I want to keep abs. I want to have veins. Gimme some suggestions. Keep in mind I have no clue where to get gear from but I'll figure that out once I know what to take.
    I don't have the answers for you but just to help someone who does have have the answers what was the cycle that gave you all the sides. It might help in planning your next. Plus you say 6'3 200lb and LEAN WHEN YOU WANT TO BE. Are you lean at those stats? Answers to these questions might get you a little more help fyi. Stay safe and good luck with the sides bro.

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewbFromCali View Post
    Well the issue is here is that I keep doing more and more research and NOBODY AGREES ON ANYTHING. This doesn't go with that, that shouldn't be done alone. I can't figure it out. It almost seems like people do cycles to fix their last cycle.
    Dig the pic. Haha.
    you are reading in the wrong places. however ill give u the starting line. Go with test only for a first cycle, with HCG oncycle and plan a good PCT. when you figure that out, look at other posts that seem to get replies *real answers not a big thread of bickering and fighting. then you will get some answers. Being spoonfed leads to problems.

  6. #6
    NewbFromCali's Avatar
    NewbFromCali is offline Junior Member
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    back to the south I go...
    Yeah well I was thinking the sides would act up with test only. I'm not getting gyno again!!!
    And I AM lean at 200. Big at 230 but I've never been lean that big.

  7. #7
    jasc's Avatar
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    I would think anavar + test would give you the results you are looking for with the proper diet, however I can not say if they would be right for you given the lack of history.
    And because you are prone to gyno I would run an AI throughout, armidex or better yet Aromasin , letrozole to reverse gyno if it pops up again
    Winny would be good for lean bulk or cutting and a decent substitute for the anavar since you already have it. It can be hell on your joints/tendons, however it doesn't affect some people as much as others

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i really dont know what to advice you cause i have no clue what you are trying to do. You say you are lean and dont want to get big. You just want more abs and veins? Up your cardio and adjust your diet if thats all

  9. #9
    cb714's Avatar
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    What are you're stats and experience bro?

    If this is going to be you're first cycle start with test e or cyp and run nova throughout cycle for your gyno issues.

  10. #10
    EZ E's Avatar
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    What did you take on your last cycle that gave you Gyno, ED, etc... Based on this we can figure out if you are "prone" to gyno or just did a bad cycle.

  11. #11
    NewbFromCali's Avatar
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    I never ran a "cycle" per se. I took some pro horomones blindly and wasn't aware of pct, or proper pct anyways. Before I could get a handle on the situation, it was too late. I would only imagine I'm prone to gyno because I've had it before. ED was unrelated (I suppose) and it was from crashing of the PH's, and Arimidex , and the whirlwind happening inside my body. But I had surgery, I'm basically clean short of the clomid and hCG I'm on right now to finish up the cyp I was taking to balance out. Long effing story.

  12. #12
    NewbFromCali's Avatar
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    I've only been lifting since 08 so my experience isn't that great. I do take things very serious and I learn a lot really fast when interested so don't think I'm a meat head that's been lifting for 3 years. I'm at 200 now, fairly lean. I don't bench more than 225 just because whenever I start maxing out, stuff starts to hurt. I'd be happy if I could get that up 8 times today. I'd say I'm at about 12% right now. Maybe 13%. I was 11 last I checked, but I look in the mirror and know its different.

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