Hey guys
Looking at doing at cutting cycle... Here are my stats.. 27yo, 3rd cycle (two test cycles previously), 6ft 4, 86kg 10%bf, training four years and looking at putting on 6kg lean muscle that I will keep.
I have 30ml Tren a, 30ml prop, 20ml stana and half a tub of clen. I was thinking an 8wk cycle. Wks 1-8 1ml/Tren & 1ml/prop eod, Wks 2-8 1ml stana eod, Wks 6-8 clen if needed.
I'm just after some advice. Does this sound right? Can I mix the prop/Tren together to save pin spots and what your suggestions are for pct as I have only ever run test before with Nolva pct... I want to have everything in place before I start so just trying to get my head around it.