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Thread: Gyno Help from Vet's and Experienced Users only Please

  1. #1
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    Gyno Help from Vet's and Experienced Users only Please

    Hey guys as many of you may know Im very sensitive to gyno and estro sides. I need some "advanced" input if you will, to help treat my symptoms while staying "On", here's my situation-

    Running Test Prop+Test Cyp 4 weeks now, 2 weeks in while using L-dex I started developing my typical symptoms of very sore nips and pea size lump developing. I so far have upped the AI's as much asI possibly could, just to give an Idea im running: 50mg Aromasin ED / Armidex 2mg ED / Nolva 40mg ED as well as Vit C and P5P for prolactin issues. Also, Ill be adding in Materon this week.

    I have also reduced the test to prevent problem from getting worse. I believe that the AI's and lowered dose are doing just barely enough from making the problem worse but its certainly not getting any better at this point.

    Now, this is normally the time I jump on Letro because nothing but letro seems to work for me. I hate to do it every cycle I run but obviously I havent found a solution yet. I have multiple threads about Gyno issues in the past and have talked to C-Bino, Swifto, and others about my issues. As far as blood tests go, Im having the Female Hormone panel done soon but I dont believe this included Prolactin. Any other ideas that may be able to help me out with this? Thanks guys
    Last edited by ACE5HIGH; 07-25-2011 at 04:00 PM.

  2. #2
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    You dont need Aromasin + Arimidex for on cycle E control.

    Where is your Aromasin from?

    Where is your Tamox from?

    Aromasin+Tamox would be my choice. Dopamine agonist if you need it because prolactin had risen.

    I think you mean Vit B6, not Vit C.

    My gyno gets a litle worse, not matter what dose of an AI I take, it just looks slightly more swollen. But when I come off cycle, or lower the Test into HRT ranges, it comes down again. Its something I have to live with. It doesnt mean, its getting worse per se, but looks worse than it is.

    If I am hot, its also looks far worse.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You dont need Aromasin + Arimidex for on cycle E control.

    Where is your Aromasin from?

    Where is your Tamox from?

    Aromasin+Tamox would be my choice. Dopamine against if you need it because prolactin had risen.

    I think you mean Vit B6, not Vit C.

    My gyno gets a litle worse, not matter what dose of an AI I take, it just looks slightly more swollen. But when I come off cycle, or lower the Test into HRT ranges, it comes down again. Its something I have to live with. It doesnt mean, its getting worse per se, but looks worse than it is.

    If I am hot, its also looks far worse.
    Yes well I shouldnt need them (l-dex, aromasin) together but since they are both research liquids, so at least if one of them was was bunk/underdosed thwe other should work. The nolva is genuine im pretty sure, the others are pretty reputable liquid research co.

    Yes I meant B6 but also using P5P. Also, im a little more concered with the anoying pain than look of it to be honest, Im also a bloat monster and in my line of work that can be problematic... Just wondering if the masteron should help? How many others do run letro while "on" and if there is antyhing else I can try... Thanks Swift.

    PS - I forgot to mention that im on a very low dose right now only 350mg/cyp and no more prop, if I up either problem is getting worse...
    Last edited by ACE5HIGH; 07-25-2011 at 04:17 PM.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    jesus thats way too much AI.
    i get hit with gyno symptoms, 7 days on .5mg adex eod and it buggered right off. i was also 6wks into tren a at that stage and it controlled any prog sides from also, so no need for caber etc, for me anyhow.
    Last edited by dec11; 07-25-2011 at 04:18 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    jesus thats way too much AI.
    Yes, but keep in mind that it isnt Pharma grade so Im assuming way less actually being dosed...

    Also, I havent run Cabergoline ever. Maybe prolactin could be the underlying issue here? Would it be worth getting some Cabergoline going, to see if that works with standard AI before turning to letro?
    Last edited by ACE5HIGH; 07-25-2011 at 04:33 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACE5HIGH View Post
    Yes, but keep in mind that it isnt Pharma grade so Im assuming way less actually being dosed...

    Also, I havent run Cabergoline ever. Maybe prolactin could be the underlying issue here? Would it be worth getting some Cabergoline going, to see if that works with standard AI before turning to letro?
    ah i see, my adex is pharma grade. im pretty sure it was the tren that flared my gyno, as id been on 250mg test e for 17mths and had no trouble at all, the adex sorted it fast. maybe try get pharma grade?

  7. #7
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    For those who get prolactin related gyno does the caber eliminate this or will I still need to run letro?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACE5HIGH View Post
    For those who get prolactin related gyno does the caber eliminate this or will I still need to run letro?
    Any AI should take care of prolactin related gyno, but if prolactin does rise, then Caber is fine.

  9. #9
    You can always have them removed...what I did. Fairly easy surgery other than the drain tubes sticking out of your chest for a couple days and the body wrap you have to wear. They were unable to remove all my tissue on my right chest due to the worry of making my chest look con-caved. I suffered horrible gyno years ago, terrible...I have been on aromasin at 15mgs a day and last week I was tender in my left chest and some swelling in my right. No tenderness in my left chest that virtually has no tissue and some minor swelling in my right chest as of this week. ZERO bloat, so far really like the AI's. Suppose those of us that deal with gyno will just have to deal with it in some form or fashion.

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