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  1. #1
    panamax03's Avatar
    panamax03 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle-Advice please

    So finally I have decided to take my first cycle. I am going to do a Test e only cycle, and want to keep it as simple as possible. I have even considered going for 300 mg test e/ week for the full 12 weeks. I am pretty sure my body will react to it. Anyways, here are my stats:

    Age: 27 yrs old
    Height: 5’11”
    Training: 9 years Steady
    Weight: 175 lbs (started at 135lbs)
    BF%: 13%
    Bench: 205 x 4
    Squat: 275 x4
    Deadlift: 275 x 2

    My goal: 186-19x lbs @ 9% BF. This is my lifelong dream

    Diet : 3700 kcal. 320grm protein/320 grm Carbs/ 142 grm Fats
    Carb sources: yams, brown rice crackers, blueberries/2% milk/ potatoes/ cottage cheese. Just started this diet but I have always eat clean in the past.
    Protein Sources: Mostly Chicken breast/tuna. A steak/beef here and there.
    Fats: Avocados, UDO 369 oil, olive oil, nuts, coconut milk, peanut butter.

    Here is how the cycle will look:

    Week 1-10
    500 mg Test e
    ¼ Tablet fincar/day (1.25 mg, I am terrified of baldness althoug mom's dad is not bald)
    ¼ Tablet Arimidex eod (0.25mg)
    1 tablet Clomid eod
    320 mg saw palmetto extract/day

    Week 11
    300 mg Test e
    ¼ Tablet fincar/day (1.25 mg, I am terrified of baldness)
    ¼ Tablet Arimidex eod (0.25mg)
    1 tablet Clomid eod
    320 mg saw palmetto extract/day

    Week 12
    200 mg Test e/week
    ¼ Tablet fincar/day (1.25 mg, I am terrified of baldness)
    ¼ Tablet Arimidex eod (0.25mg)
    1 tablet Clomid eod
    320 mg saw palmetto extract/day

    Week 13
    ¼ Tablet fincar/day
    ¼ tablet Arimidex eod
    100 mg Clomid/day

    I will inject on my rear glutes and quads alternating on each injection. I will do my injections on Tues mornings and then Friday nights.

    Being my first cycle I have some questions though:

    1. Should I stop my creatine while on test? (Too much water retention?)
    2. Should I take clomid after my cycle ends? and not during?
    3. Do I need milk thistle
    4. What Test e is best? What lab should I look for and what should I avoid?
    5. How do you know if your Test e has not been used tampered with? ( my
    source is pretty good)
    6. My source told me he gets Test in 5cc vials. What is that equals to in
    mg? How many 5cc vials will I need to run this cycle?
    7. Nolvadex or Arimidex?

    Thx in advance
    Last edited by panamax03; 07-27-2011 at 01:48 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    chi's Avatar
    chi is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    drop creatine and save it for pct as you will begin to lose some size from the water retention disappearing.

    drop clomid and only use during pct. It is pointless to use during cycle and unorthodox

    milk thistle is usually used during oral cycles not during oil based cycles

    test e is test e but obviously pharm grade stuff is where it is at

    you have to trust your source unless you plan on having your gear tested. That is the only way to know if it is real.

    I would hold off on the dex unless you are prone to gyno which you do not know yet since this is your first cycle. Also i would recommend swifto's advice of aromasin 10 mgs eod instead of nolva or dex

  3. #3
    panamax03's Avatar
    panamax03 is offline New Member
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    I think I will actually do something more like this:

    Week 1-12
    500mg Test (taper in the last two weeks 300/200)
    HCG 500 IU/ week (starting on 3rd week 250/250 injected on same day as test)
    Aromasin 10 mg eod
    Fincar 1.25 mg/day

    PCT ( 2 weeks after last Test injection week 15-18)
    Nolvadex wk1 40 gr/ week 2 40 gr / week 3 20 gr / week 4 10gr ED
    clomid wk 1 50gr / wk 2 50gr / week 3 50gr/ week 4 50gr ED

    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by panamax03; 07-27-2011 at 07:44 PM.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You dont need 500mgs contary to wat new guys think.300 was fine run nova and clomid for your pct.Have adex or aromasin on hand.Hit the diet section before you start cycle.Have them checkout your diet.Beacuse you are on the like side for a guy who hit the gym for so long.You want the most out of your cycle.And a good diet is key to getting big and keeping it afterwards.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    first cycle should always be test only.
    no need to taper off the test dose at the end. just keep it the same dose the entire time. at the end of a standard cycle, your body's receptors are becoming desensitized to all the test, so tapering off would reduce the benefits of tests even further.
    Songdog, not sure why you think 300mg is sufficient? seems pretty light to me.

    stopping creatine while on cycle is contraversial. I understand what the idea is, to give the body something to boost while on pct. but the body does not desensitze to creatine, as it is naturally found in raw red meat. I prefer to simply stay on creatine while on. But in fairness, I haven't tried it in the manner suggested, by abstaining on cycle, and taking when coming off cycle. The issue I have with that is it usually takes a couple of weeks of taking creatine before you max out your saturation levels, so.....?????

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