Was wondering if any vets had anything good to say about any Prohormones?
Was wondering if any vets had anything good to say about any Prohormones?
I may not be a vet but I have done a lot of reading over the past few years on here and I have not seen/read much of anything good. I have heard much more negative, more people being shut down hard and not recovering, expensive and minimal to no gains. Ive read enough that I would never use any.
I'd rather just go with the real thing, but you could try H-drol.
I've ran Havoc (epistane clone), didn't do **** all but give me headaches. And that's one of the better ones around (at least when I did it). Then you have Superdrol clones, but really it's a steroid since it's not a hormone precursor. It doesn't convert like prohormones do. Now I can't speak much about it since it hasn't been around as long as something like DBol or Anadrol for long-term effects... I can tell you that it makes ya feel like shit (lethargic), and it gave me hypoglycemic episodes... It's a carb monster so keep carbs high and you should be fine. What I can say, is that it's strong mg to mg... Dry gains and very nice strength.
I agree with that Matt.Now Sdrol Hdrol M1t.Never did any but read a lot on them.To me they are like Abombs.You lve them or hate them.Now I have a friend who did Hdrol and loved it.But these things are strong.And today with the mega dosers we have.Most I see complain of bad sides.I plan on tryin m1t here soon.I will make a post on it.
I think Epistane is a steroid as well.
I've heard people compare it to winny as far as gains, even that it is more powerful mg/mg.
Have you taking winny before?
Are the gains from superdrol easy to keep? ive heard Hdrol is easy to keep. I didnt expect something as powerful as Superdrol to have dry gains... is that correct?
I used beastdrol(superdrol) 20 mgs a day. I have to admit I got big gains fast.(Anadrol speed).Dry gains and stronger than dbol. The down side - I FELT LIKE TOTAL SHIT . I had to stop in 3 weeks. If I feel like shit somwthing inside is wrong.
ive havent actually tried em but i dont see the point, the real thing is cheaper, clinically proven and less shitty sides. pro hormones are just rushed on the shelves with no testing at all
Well DAAS hopefully when you get a lil older you will get a lil wiser.
i have used the 1st generation that came out around 12-15yrs ago and they were complete and utter expensive rubbish. anyone rem the maximuscle stuff taken under the tongue with droppers? they 'supposidly' converted inside the body.
thts a good reason for me not to try em tbh
DAAS at 22 you shouldnt be taking anything to alter hormones
I said it befoew and I'll say it again, Superdrol is the strongest and most powerful oral out (Yes---even stronger than AAS orals)
There are very few real PHs left.
However, the designer steroids still available are certainly potent and will give results comparable to many traditional oral AAS (but with maybe more sides and less unknown health risks).
The real problem with OTC steroids is that they rarely get stacked with test, so you're just doing an oral cycle. And if oral cycles of AAS are generally considered shitty, why would a DS cycle be any different?
But I know of plenty of guys who prefer Superdrol or Epi to Dbol or Winstrol in a test cycle.
And "juiceplease", please stop spouting misinformation. You don't know what you're talking about. None of the compounds you have mentioned require a conversion to another hormone in order to work. So they are steroids. And they don't boost test, so it doesn't really matter what your baseline T levels look like.
Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-30-2011 at 12:35 PM.
never tried them. I got a few friends that swear by epistane. I'm going to add it to my trt in a few weeks.
1) Not a vet.
2) Competitive Edge Labs H-Drol was awesome. Ran it at least 6 times. Saw awesome gains and I was always ready to **** the prom queen. Keep reading...
3) I'm not sure WHERE it went wrong, but it most certainly did. I just had surgery to remove gyno that I got from them and I'd never do them again. Just do the real thing or stay natural.
4) Total cost was 4k for the surgery and it'll be 3 months before I'm back to looking normal.
I know you asked for anything "good" about them. I guess look at my #2?
1) Not a vet.
2) Competitive Edge Labs H-Drol was awesome. Ran it at least 6 times. Saw awesome gains and I was always ready to **** the prom queen. Keep reading...
3) I'm not sure WHERE it went wrong, but it most certainly did. I just had surgery to remove gyno that I got from them and I'd never do them again. Just do the real thing or stay natural.
4) Total cost was 4k for the surgery and it'll be 3 months before I'm back to looking normal.
I know you asked for anything "good" about them. I guess look at my #2?
THANK you Bonaparte.
And for who ever said I just want to hear some one say that Prohormones are good, thats not at all what im looking to hear. But I hear allot of bad rep, about prohormones, most of which are true.
But I feel like there are a few out there that have good purpose, and for example if you using a 17aa steroid like winny, then you might as well take a oral that you can buy at your local sports nutrition shop.
I also didnt say that winny is for mass....
As far as EPISTANE i have heard allot of awesome things about it. It will dry your joints out though...
I took Tren Bomb 2 years ago as an experiment to see what these legal steroids did. After 2 days i was pretty much totally shut down, and by day 5 my 1 rep max on bench turned into 3 reps. Safe to say it was as strong as hell and i only took 10mg per day.
I lasted about 10 days before i gave up on it as it made me feel crap. Stronger mg for mg than Dianabol thats for sure, but rat poison isn't for bodybuiding.
I took Epistane for 4 weeks as i heard lots of good stuff about it. From what i gather it is a milder version of Winny in what it achieves and has it's place on a cutting cycle. That being said, it is still a fairly unknown drug and thus should be treated with caution.
It also has a good rep for reducing gyno although this hasn't been proven. It also doesn't aromatise.
i ****ed my self up with 4 weeks on PH.
im in the 4th week of PCT and its frustrating. i destroyed my self over PH
even with PCT i dont feel like before. just half of the day then for some reason i cant get my D!ck up after 5-6 pm....
do not do it.
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