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Thread: accutane + prop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    accutane + prop

    hey bro's
    currently running a 4 month cousre of accutane im 2 months into it, heaps happy with the results acne is clearing almost all gorn, wanted to run a short cousre of prop before summer any suggestions ?

    stats 26 y.o
    81 kg
    been lifting for around 5 years now
    have used enathate,dianabol,tren in the past
    p.s please dont lecture me that im to young to be using gear its my body i just wAnt some advice thanks !

  2. #2
    There's a possibility that it will flare up post cycle. Good news is, another dose of tane will clear it back up. Shit works miracles... Sides suck but sooo worth it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    , have you ever run aas with tame ? What r ur experiences with tane ? I want to run a cycle so bad but I dnt want my acne becoming a problem again as the sides on tane r fukd !

  4. #4
    Never ran it with. But did run it after. I don't usually have any issues on, but post I do. Running a cycle would probably be a bad idea if you're worried about it. If you woulda' started your accutane after your cycle then you probably would have been fine, but the other way around, like I said, there's a good chance to flare it back up. But I don't know, I run short 2 month low dose 20-40mg/day cycles of accutane when I need to. If you are running a higher dose for a longer period of time, I do believe it decreases the chances of it coming back. But, there's still always a chance of it coming back no matter what, especially after doing AAS.

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