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Thread: Lean Mass,strength gain,Low sides Course--Any Advice??

  1. #1

    Lean Mass,strength gain,Low sides Course--Any Advice??

    IM looking at running about 8week course soon.
    This what i was thinkin of running.

    T-bol 60mg ED Wk 1-6
    Primobolan 400-500mg E/WK wk 1-5
    Masteron 400-500mg E/WK wk 5-10
    VAR 50mg ED wk 5-10
    test enth (low dose of 100-200 E/WK)

    PCT I have on hand Nolva,Clomid & HCG thou not sure how ill run it.
    Any thoughts??..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    WOW thats a lot of compounds there bro.How about your stats and cycle history.

  3. #3
    yeah a few ah, some of my favourites,whats ya opinion there songdog on this cycle and how would u adjust?
    And what ya think me Pct should go?
    STATS; 80kg,5'10,25yrs old Been Lifting for 7+ years
    Done a Few cycles, mainly for strength and lean muscle gains,(was competing mma n boxing)
    deadlift 220kg
    bench 140kg
    squat 160kg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you've been training for 7 years done a few cycles and are 175lbs at 5'10. You def dont need to cycle to gain some lean mass

  5. #5
    qixxer i don to get big and heavy just increase strength power n maybe only few lean kg's ,it's all about power to weight ratio

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    *no sources i wont reply*
    bad layout, primo for 5wks is waste and wont do a thing.

    something badly wrong if your squat is so weak compared to your dlift, they are normally very similar in most

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Eventhough I'm new here I would like to think I'm the authority on Anavar cause I've run it with every cycle I've ever done.
    If you stay at 50mgs for 5 weeks, everything after week one will be a waste. With Anavar you gotta ramp up cause your body gets used to the dosage real quick. So 1wk 50mg, 2wk 60mg, 3wk 70mg 4wk, 80mg and 5wk 90mg. Definately add in Milk Thistle when taking Anavar over 50mgs cause its pretty toxic on the liver. As Dec11 said Primo for 5wks is a waste, should run it at least 10wks. Masteron and Primo are very similar, you should choose between them. I'd go with Primo, easier on the liver and the hair. If you wanna cut up add in Winny instead of the Masteron but make sure your not doing Winny and Anavar at the same time cause your liver will hate you for it (I'm big on liver health, you 20yr olds will be too once your in your 30s. The earlier you learn to care for it the better off you will be in your later years).

  8. #8
    yeah i don know mate I ran a lower dose of primo with var last year for 6wks and my gains were pretty good,
    I haven't tried Mast before but from what i read its up my alley,Do you think maybe just 1 or another?
    And with my squat ive never gone my 1 rm,its a bit of a guess of a real deap squat,uasually go alot heavier but only only half squats(sports specific)

  9. #9
    Thats good to know there ata1979 ill adjust me cycle to a similar ramp up cheers.And ive also got some milk thistle &liver 52 in check.

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