hey guys, i know wrong board but in dyer need of help! posted on igf board 3 days ago and not one response. so hopefully someone will see and can help me here. sorry for hijacking the wrong forum, just really need some knowledge!
I am a fairly seasoned user of aas, i have ran test , deca , eq , and tren all more than a few times along with stronger orals such as methyltrienelone. but one thing i havent done is igf -1, i will be running both igf -1 lr3 and igf -1 des at the same time, my workout buddy did this and got great results, amazing pumps from the des and great long term results from the lr3 , and everything ive researched says there are no negatives to running them together. so i will obviously be using aa, i have read so many different opinions on the next part though, should i use bw? nacl? which one and why, or neither?
next question is are there any other peptides that i could throw in that would do good things? melanotan (sp?), cjc , ghrp , mgf ? which ones and why? i am not extremely familiar with many of these products so any and all explanations would be greatly appreciated!
also what all else would be suggested by season users as far as running with it? and while im asking so many questions, im 27, 230, 5'11, 11-12%bf, been lifting for 10 years. what doses of each would you suggest? and as far as site injection , is that preferred? if so, say im doing biceps, should i do half in each bi? same with chest, legs, delts, etc?
thanks so much guys, hope i dont get too much hate on here, just looking for some solid info!