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Thread: What would 60mg D-bol/day do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    What would 60mg D-bol/day do?

    Looking back over my very detailed training/'supplement'/nutrition log for my past two cycles, I am still not 100% sure what I was taking for my last cycle. Some here will recognize my plight or remember what I posted in other threads, but for those who don't, here's a very brief rundown.

    Looking to do a very low dose Anavar cycle for the duration of a long and intense program, I tried this new lab that came with zero local feedback. I bought some Anavar, 30mg caps, and took one a day. The onset began like Anavar, slow effects, predictable sides, but within a few weeks the gains were just not in line with a 30mg dose, and I was not leaning out at all, even on a slight deficit diet. It looked a lot more like D-bol. I just assumed it was mislabeled. The feedback from this new lab since has been so-so, good and bad. I still have 4 bottles.

    Now I want to run another Anavar only cycle, looking only for lean strength gains, perhaps a little re-composition on the side. My diet again will be lean, and a slight deficit. Not trusting this lab I wanted to just get some different Anavar, but I cant find any reputable sources, just more new labs. The real dilemma with this is that I still have 4 bottles of this possibly mislabeled Anavar. IF its real and the effects I got from the last bottle were just skewed from the low dose, this could save me a pile of money.

    So, if I take this I want to go 60mg/day (30mg morning, 30mg pre-workout). I train in the early afternoon. If this does end up being D-bol, what should I expect from 60mg a day? That sounds like a lot.

    IF it does turn out to be D-bol, I will immediately drop to 30mg a day and buy some different Anavar. I am not interested in doing a D-bol cycle. Its just too convenient to not try, and I figure that if it is D-bol it will just act as a convenient 'kick' to the cycle as I obtain more stuff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    If it's d-bol expect a lot of weight gain and/or bloat. Honestly, there is little excuse for buying bunk/underdosed gear in my personal opinion. If your really patient and take the time to look around and make friends it's easy to find legit gear - be it local, domestic, or international.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    With a calorie deficit you would probably lean out on Dbol as well as Anavar. Besides, i find it odd anyway that you notice sides taking 30mg Anavar, or did i misread your post?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    there is no way you are going to know its d-bol or anything else for that matter. And also if they even are d-bol how do you know they are still 30mg caps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    That's a good point. It could even be sugar pills!

  6. #6
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    That's a good point. It could even be sugar pills!
    This stuff I have is definitely not sugar pills. The second cycle I did was only supposed to be a mild effect and I started halving the dose (30mg/EOD) because it was working so well. The gains from 30mg/day were impressive, that was the first sign it wasn't Anavar. I eventually found another source with a better known brand, went 20mg/day and got the effect I was looking for.

    Guitario, the sides I noticed were mild, got the shits if I didn't take it with food, felt a noticeable lethargy. Like I implied in the original post, looking back the only real reason to think it wasn't Anavar was because I didn't lean out at all. 30mg/day should have done that to a noticeable degree, especially after two months.

  7. #7
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Supertotal View Post
    Looking back over my very detailed training/'supplement'/nutrition log for my past two cycles, I am still not 100% sure what I was taking for my last cycle. Some here will recognize my plight or remember what I posted in other threads, but for those who don't, here's a very brief rundown.

    Looking to do a very low dose Anavar cycle for the duration of a long and intense program, I tried this new lab that came with zero local feedback. I bought some Anavar, 30mg caps, and took one a day. The onset began like Anavar, slow effects, predictable sides, but within a few weeks the gains were just not in line with a 30mg dose, and I was not leaning out at all, even on a slight deficit diet. It looked a lot more like D-bol. I just assumed it was mislabeled. The feedback from this new lab since has been so-so, good and bad. I still have 4 bottles.

    Now I want to run another Anavar only cycle, looking only for lean strength gains, perhaps a little re-composition on the side. My diet again will be lean, and a slight deficit. Not trusting this lab I wanted to just get some different Anavar, but I cant find any reputable sources, just more new labs. The real dilemma with this is that I still have 4 bottles of this possibly mislabeled Anavar. IF its real and the effects I got from the last bottle were just skewed from the low dose, this could save me a pile of money.

    So, if I take this I want to go 60mg/day (30mg morning, 30mg pre-workout). I train in the early afternoon. If this does end up being D-bol, what should I expect from 60mg a day? That sounds like a lot.

    IF it does turn out to be D-bol, I will immediately drop to 30mg a day and buy some different Anavar. I am not interested in doing a D-bol cycle. Its just too convenient to not try, and I figure that if it is D-bol it will just act as a convenient 'kick' to the cycle as I obtain more stuff.
    mate, no harm but jez, knowing what you actually have is a good start. you need 100% sources and not taking mad chances like that, could be any old sh1te in a capsule, i wouldnt put them past my lips.

    and if its dbol, most likely expect strength, water, bloat and sh1tty sides

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    30mgs of Anavar is a baby dose, don't expect anything spectacular from it. If its gonna be your second go at Anavar you should start at a minimum of 30 and hit at least 50-60 at your peak. I start at 50 and ramp up to 80-90.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I believe the proper dose of var is 1mg per 2.2lbs of body weight.Read the profile section on it.

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