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Thread: Help with Cycle Input please...

  1. #1

    Help with Cycle Input please...

    Im 46, I have 10ml of Deca 200mg per ml. also 10ml Test E 250, 10ml of Sustanon 250 and 100 x 10 mg Tbol.

    Would it be advisable to run 1ml of each TestE, Deca, and Sus250 1 x a week for 10 weeks? and The Tbot at 30 mg. for 4 weeks ? I have nolva 50 x 20 mg on the way but it will be delayed for 2 weeks. This is my first cycle, my diet and training is under control at this time. Is this to much or should I keep it simple and do the deca, sus250 and tbol first cycle and save the test e for the next.. Input please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    way to much for a first cycle. forget the deca and t-bol. First cycle should be test only.
    What are your stats besides 46

  3. #3
    255, 6'3 18% Bodyfat, doing cardio 4 times a week wanting to lose more. So far so good. High protien diet, carb up before workouts. Any suggestions ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well with what you have i would do
    weeks 1-5 sust 500mg a week. divided up into 2 injections a week
    weeks 6-10 test e 500mg a week divided up into 2 inj a week

    2 weeks after last injection start your pct. clomid and nolva
    Do you have any ai's or nolva on hand?
    forget the other stuff you have

  5. #5
    I have nolva coming will be here in a cpl weeks and can order clomid and was going to order bout halfway thru cycle. Im in Iraq working and takes awhile to get gear sometimes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i wouldnt start until you have everything. Shit happens and you dont want to be without.

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