hi all bout to start my 3rd cycle.
(1st cycle test prop 600mg/w + deca 600mg/w)
(2nd cycle sus 250 600mg/w + winne 400mg/w)
age 24
cycle history above
diet atm 3000-3500 calories a day
training for 5 years
height 6"0
weight 103kg or 227 lbs
bf% 11% (but expecting to go up with diet)
for my new cycle i wanna run:
test e 600mg/w week1-16
eq 600mg week 1-16
tren e 600mg/w week 1-10
anadrol 50mg ed week 4-8
just a couple of questions though.
can i run tren e this long at this dosage? and do i have to lower the dosage to accomadate the amount of test.
i want to keep these dosages because had great results in the past and think theres no need to boost them up, however if it needs to be tweeked im open for criticism.