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Thread: super cycle. length of tren e? and dosage?

  1. #1

    super cycle. length of tren e? and dosage?

    hi all bout to start my 3rd cycle.
    (1st cycle test prop 600mg/w + deca 600mg/w)
    (2nd cycle sus 250 600mg/w + winne 400mg/w)

    age 24
    cycle history above
    diet atm 3000-3500 calories a day
    training for 5 years
    height 6"0
    weight 103kg or 227 lbs
    bf% 11% (but expecting to go up with diet)

    for my new cycle i wanna run:
    test e 600mg/w week1-16
    eq 600mg week 1-16
    tren e 600mg/w week 1-10
    anadrol 50mg ed week 4-8

    just a couple of questions though.
    can i run tren e this long at this dosage? and do i have to lower the dosage to accomadate the amount of test.
    i want to keep these dosages because had great results in the past and think theres no need to boost them up, however if it needs to be tweeked im open for criticism.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Honestly run tren ace. Its ur firs time running tren, you don't know how u will React to the harsh compound, and if u need to lower the dose/ drop it, it will be out of your system In a few days. If I was you I'd run 50 mgs of tren ace Ed. But if u decide to keep tren e. Run it at 400mg's, 600 to high for first try, and Yes u can run tren e that long. As for test dose. Lots of people run higher tren then test. Tho for ur cycle keep it the same. Why run the anadrol at week 4? Id use it as a kick start as ur running long esters. One last thing. Run the test 2 weeks longer then eq
    Last edited by markdbg; 08-01-2011 at 08:35 PM.

  3. #3
    thanks for that, well ive already purchased the tren e, and money is sort of an issue. because im in australia and we get ripped of over here big time. but ok i will definatly drop it to 400mg, would hate to have shit sides for two weeks if i couldnt handle it. and i also just read about the anadrol and gonna use i to jump start. also why do i need to run the test two weeks longer than eq? wont the both finish the same time since i jab on the same day?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'd stay away from that many compounds for your 3rd cycle...This game is a marathon, not a sprint.

    I would run only the tren + test for 10 weeks and see how your respond to the tren before stacking 2 other compounds. It appears your goal is to bulk...Tren + test and 4500 cals will get you where you want to go.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    Agreed, stick with just test a tren, add the other compounds could be a waste, your going to be over the moon with tren anyway. get tren a if possible

  6. #6
    perhaps u guys are right. might ditch the eq. u think i could still run the anadrol as a kickstarter, or is that out of the quesiton?

  7. #7
    and atm putting down what im eating is a struggle, but i will try keep increasing as much as possible

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I'm on Test Prop/Tren E right now. I'd definitely drop the eq. Compared to the Tren its like a small white chocolate chip in a big frigging chocolate brownie. I like to run Tren E always because I don't get respiratory sides like Tren cough nor do I have too much trouble breathing during cardio or big compounds (or going up the stairs!!) like I have with Ace, even at 800 mg a week.
    Then again, the guys are right, if you have some nasty sides it'll be a hellish week waiting for it to clear. Maybe go with 400 mg this time, then increase basedon that next time. Plus, it'll give you some where to go besides silly doses (800/1000 mg).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Anadrol is not a good choice to kickstart. Keep it simple.

  10. #10
    thanks titan. done little more research aswell and seems like ur right about the potency of tren. unfortunatly i am a broke ass and have already urchased the tren e. but yeh i will start at a low dose like 400mg, then if no sides then maybe up it to 600mg. i know 600mg isnt the highest doasage i could probably do, but ive had great resluts from this and no need to go up for now.

    daem - so u think put anadrol in the middle of the cycle or keep it out entirely for this cycle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Drop it. Tho it would be used at the start for a kickstart

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