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Thread: Im new here and have a few questions :)

  1. #1

    Wink Im new here and have a few questions :)

    Hey guys my name is Alex. I am not what you would call a body builder YET. I need to lose the weight i have packed on before that happens So anyways i was wondering if there are any pills or supplements that will speed up my weight loss. I am not looking for anything illegal just the pill kind. Currently i weigh 220 pounds and im 5' 7" so i guess you could call me fat haha :P

    Im looking forward to all the advice you guys have and hope to look like you guys some day

    Oh and i also have no clue about cycles and stuff so im a total noob. So please keep that in mind (i will try to ask as little stupid questions as possible).
    Last edited by apierce1289; 08-02-2011 at 11:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Welocomd to the board Alex. You've come to the right place. There are a lot of educational threads on here that will get u well on your way plus the search button here is a great tool. As for a pill or supplement that might help u lose weight u probably won't need one. With a great diet and workout routine u will easily achieve your goals rather than through the use of steroids.

    Go to the diet forum below and post your current diet and goals and the guys there will help you reach them.

  3. #3
    okay thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Do yourself a favor and head over to the Diet and Exercise threads on the forum. Get your diet and excercise schedule figured out and stick to that for a year and see where that takes you

    there are no "magic pills" that make people muscular, shredded, or skinny, those individuals achieve great physiques through extensive training and strict dieting. keep that in mind

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Hey Alex, welcome. The guys above are 110% rite diet and exercise are the core foundation. Without that, you have nothing. Do lots of cardio often, stick to a greens diet (salads,vegetables,ect..) eat small portions but 6-8 a day. I'm sure your body will have to adjust to this. Besides that I would look into a multivitamin, some omega 3, and a nice little booster would be Oxy Elit Pro a lot of guys run this because it works and most importantly it consist of all natural plant extracts. Hope that helps, train hard and remember, CONSISTENCY IS KEY. Best of luck to you!

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